II: packing

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I went to my room and grabbed some boxes on the way up and started packing. I had three piles things I was taking, things I was giving away and things I need to give back to William and his evil girlfriend.

--skip to afternoon--
I was done packing it took me all morning so I decided to text William.

^text messages^
Me- hey u
Pooh👅- hi girly
Me- We're heading out soon we decided today since we're driving
Pooh👅- really why I wanted to hang out
Me- I know come by after school and come get your stuff  and Ursula stuffs
Pooh👅- keep at least 2 things of my stuff and I'll keep 2 things of your stuff and your funny where do u come up with the names
Me- deal okay see u later and I dont know she's just so ughhhh

I put my phone down and walk out of my room and seen that the house is almost empty. We're not taking no furniture because our parents said the house came with furniture. So were selling it or giving it away to families in need

I went to alika's room and he was just sitting in there on his computer chair. I sat right next to him.

Me- what's wrong alika
Alika- Bane I don't want to leave
Me- I don't want to either
Alika- I might stay

I just stared at him and didn't say anything tears started to form in my eyes. What did he mean he might stay. I was going to loose my big brother I know I made fun of him and I know he was in college but that doesn't mean he....

Alika- Bane say something
Me- I love you alika and always will
Alika- it's been awhile since you said that to me I love you to bane

We both started to cry. I hugged him very tight and could let go he hugged me back. Our mom walked in and hugged us and said you finally told her. Like I said nobody tells me but it was alika who was suppose to tell no anybody else so at least this time I'll let it slide.

I got up and went to the bathroom to watch my face. My face was really puffy after all that.

I went to get my phone from my room and text Ikaia.

^ text messages^
Me- hey can I ask u something
Genius🤓- yes bane
Me- r u staying to
Genius🤓- oh he told u
Me- r u genius😡
Genius🤓- no I'm not I have to switch college smarty🤑
Me - okay and y
Genius🤓- I got kicked out but it's fined but now i finally get my room
Me- yeah and own bathroom lol

I ran downstairs because I heard the doorbell and it was William. He gave me back some of of my things I left at his house and I gave him his and poison ivy's things. We walked to his car and we both got in i was going to his house for a few hours.

--few minutes later at his house--

When we got there someone was there that I didn't notice. William walked up to him and did a handshake. I was confused and felt like a third wheel.

William- hey bane this is my cousin Zion kuwonu
Me- hey
Zion- Sup
William- he's visiting us from California that's why I haven't been hanging out with you but now I kind of have to it your last day and his last day of vaction
Me- well let's have a blast

When we got inside I pulled William inside and told him why he didn't tell me he had such a cute cousin. He just laughed and pushed me. I almost pumbed into Zion

We played video games for about an hour. I beat Zion and William during most of them.

Before I had to go i said my goodbyes. Me and william had our crys for a long time. I shook Zion hand and gave me this cute ass stare that made me not want to leave. But I had to go.

I decided I might as while walk home there is still light out. As I am walking I notice things I probably didn't know was in my neighborhood. My mind kept racing back to those beautiful brown eyes that looked into my soul. I finally got home and everyone was packing the cars.

I started to help. I wasnt going to drive my car cause I'm the baby and my dad told me I couldn't he was. We were taking 5 cars so the cars weren't going to be full.

We started to say goodbye to Alika and I started bawling. I didn't want leave I always want to stay by his side. He looked at me and told me to remember "never to break and always to be tough, times may get hard but there will come easier times." I just hugged him and cried. We gathered and prayed and hugged and cried some more.

We all got in the cars and headed for Cali, while alika headed the other way I just watched him while he faded in the distance wishing that he came. Remembering all the stories he use to all me when I was a child. It will take awhile Intel we get there, im going to try to get some sleep.

William is Bane best friend if you weren't paying attention and it probably doesn't make sense sorry unedited for most people

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