VI: hospital or nah

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I hopped into the water and started to spazz. My brothers hurried to pull me out of the water. My mom came running out looking worried to what was going on.

The last thing I remember is everything going black and people standing over me, worried.

^in bedroom^

I woke up to see myself in my room I was confused because I don't remember getting here. I was hooked up to some I.V., I had no clue what was happening at the moment. My mom walked in and she looked surprise to see me up.

Mom- wow your up already
Me- what
Mom- you've been out for 3 days
Mom- hunny its okay don't worry
Me- what happened
Mom- u started to spazz and everyone was scared so Ikaia had to take your friends home and then your brothers helped me carry you upstairs we've been monitoring you
Me- why am I not in a hospital
Mom- we can't go there untel your dad gets back

When she said that I was confused when did he leave. I knew I seen him that day. The hospital is were I should be right now not in my bedroom. My mom just left me in here all by myself.

*checking phone*

Zion😜🤞- are u okay
Zion😜🤞- please answer me
Zion😜🤞- what's happening
Zion😜🤞- it's been a couple of days now I'm really worried
Me- hey sorry I just woke up from my long knock out

Unknown- hey this is Brandon can you please tell zion your okay he's been crying for days and won't eat
Me- sorry I've been out

Pooh👅- Bane u okay I heard what happened please call me asap I need to know your okay💋
Me- okay I'll call you in a bit sorry for the scare

Unknown- hey Bane this is Edwin can you tell zion to eat before he gets sick
Me- okay I will do that but what's up with everyone calling or texting

Unkown- hi Austin here tell zion it's good and that he should not have to worry
Me- okay I got it on my way to tell him

Unkown- Nick here hey bane get better soon don't worry bout zion I'll try to help him out
Me- thxs and thxs

30 Missed call from Alika🎅
20 missed call from Zion😜🤞
40 missed call from Dad👴🏼
15 missed call from Pooh👅
37 missed call from unknowns

^puts phone down^

Damn I never had this much love before. My phone was just blowing up when I was gone or sleeping I don't even know.

Me- MOM....MOM.........MOM
Mom- yes
Me- can we take this out so I can go shower
Mom- hold on one second

It took her couple minutes to get to my room and this out of my arm. I head for the shower and my mom waited for me in my room just in case something happened. I took a very long shower it felt really good.

^hour later^

Then when I got out my mom had my clothes picked out she said I had to take it slow

Then when I got out my mom had my clothes picked out she said I had to take it slow

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The clothes she picked out wasn't bad. My mom knows the way I like to dress. We walked out of my room because I didn't feel like being in there anymore. I heard a knock at the door so I walked to the door very slow cause I was still kind of weak.

It was Alika with Zion. That was very strange.

Me- hey guys
Alika- sis your awake I flew In for you and seen this one lost at the beginning of the road
Zion- hey babe
Alika- hold up what did I miss
Me- not now Alika

I hugged Alika very weakly and then he came inside. Zion picked me up, he looked skinnier then usual. He told me that I shouldn't be walking then he kissed me.

Me- Zion
Zion- yes
Me- you need to eat cause all the texts I received when I woke up say different and you look skinnier
Zion- I know I was just worried and scared and someone is going to fly in this week
Me- who and stop changing the subject
Zion- it's a surprise and I'm not
Me- really
Zion- no not really

We walked to the living room and just sat there on the couch and watched tv. I fell asleep on him cause he was so comfortable and he also fell asleep. This feeling he gives me it's so warm and the thought of him is memorable.

^hours later^

We woke up from our sleep with a big bang. I stood up and started to walk slowly towards the sound Zion followed me. I never knew how big my house was cause I never toured the whole thing cause most of it was still being renovated. When we got to this door there was another bang. I was kind of scared I felt my self panicking.

I opened the door and it was just Alika bowling and throwing the ball on the floor. I had no clue what I was going to do. Zion had a one of our Vases. I think he was going to break it on there head or something. I took it from him just in case.

Me- hey alika
Alika- yes Bane
Me- r u okay
Alika- I've been here all day and haven't seen one brother or got to go out because mom left somewhere and told me not leave u and then u just go to sleep
Me- want to go out now it's pretty cool right now
Alika- (sigh) let's go then you can tell me about your new boy toy
Me- okay go change

Zion-really babe boy toy
Me- sorry it's okay your a cute boy toy

He went to his room and changed and then ran downstairs. He wasn't even looking nice but who cares. He got my keys and then we started to drive down to the beach area and I told him all about Zion.

The first thing we did was check out the ocean because it's been a while since he's been to the beach. I watched him play in the sand with Zion like he was little baby. They seem to be getting along.

We then headed to the ice cream place Zion first took me. It was empty so we decided to stay and eat it in there that's a first. Zion suggested that we go to this dinner place because it's a very special day. I didn't question I was hungry.

When we got there it looked deserted. Now I'm really confused. How come he's taking us to deserted places. Like I see people pass or around but the places are just unoccupied. What's going on.

The Secrets That Lie |Zion Kuwonu|Where stories live. Discover now