XIV: better for worse

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♡Zion p.o.v♡

"Hey Bane, can I ask you a question" I said

"Yes Z" she sweetly said

"WILL YOU MARY ME" I said so confindent

"No" she said so confindent


This is done there relationship is over and I hope you like this book.

See ya later

"WILL YOU MARRY ME" I asked looking down at her

"YES MY LOVE" she got up and played on me

"I really love you bane and I dont want to lose you" kissing her forehead

"I dont want to lose you to but I have an appointment that I need to get to" her face in his chest

"Come on get go take a shower cause you smell like sex" I laughed

"You do to but it's a good smell" she said with a stupid look on her face

◇Bane p.o.v◇

I went into the shower and took my time getting ready.

I went into the shower and took my time getting ready

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I wanted to be bright because it's been a while. Today my dad comes so I have to tell him what just happened.

"Hey princess" nick smiled at me

"Yes Nickelodeon" I giggled

"Nothing much just you know all the sounds that came from that room" he said in a sassy tone

I just looked away and had nothing else to say. I really didn't mean to be so loud but all the moves Z was making felt great.

I grabbed some coffee and sat down on the chair. I was waiting for Zion to come out so he could go with me to my doctor's.


We started to head inside my doctor's and I felt this little anxiety come over me. I knew that I had cancer and o didn't want to do much. But I want going to let this get in my way.

I checked in and then we sat down for the doctor to come. I felt like I was panicking. This moment could change my life it's been 2 months since i found out i had cancer. It that moment changed my life.

The doctor came and we followed him to his office. I was still panicking a little and didn't want to show it.

"Hell bane" doc said

"Hi" nervously saying

"Its been a while since we seen each other and we just want to run some test and do some scans" looking at me with the most serious face

"Okay" nervous took over my body

The doctor walked out of the room and I was panicking. Zion took my hands and looked me in my eyes.

"You can do this just be brave cause honey we are getting married one day and life is going to go on" a smile came on his face

I felt relief with him just saying that. He is so nice "sometimes". The doctor came back and we did the labs that I had to do.


We headed for my house after the appointment. Cause I wanted him to meet my dad forreal this time.

"Hey dad" I said

"Hey baby girl" he looked at me and waved

"Dad i want you to meet my boyfriend  Zion" nervously saying

He just stood up and walked over to him. For a minute i was scared to what was going to happen but he just stuck out his hand to shake Zions hand.

"Bane can you leave us alone" my dad said in a deep serious voice

"Yeah" I was worried to what would happen

♡Zion p.o.v♡

Bane just left me alone with her dad. I was a bit scared. Her dad seems intimidating.

"Come sit down son" her dad tapping the seat right next to him

"Sir...." I said

"No, dont talk let me talk first then you, got it" he said with a dead straight face

I just nodded my head

"Okay listen here, dont hurt my daughter cause shes a princess and she has a lot of brothers. Dont mess anything up shes been hurt before and I dont want anything or anybody to hurt her. You getting all this" he said

I nodded my head once again

"If there is something wrong you need to tell me or if you cause plan to do anything else in this relationship cause now your part of this family now and she is going through a lot right now. Now you can talk" he looked dead straight at me again

"Yes sir I understand Bane is everything I dont want to mess that up, but i want to ask you a question" i said in a nervous but confident voice

"Go ahead" Mr.wish said

"I would like to marry Bane" looking him in the eyes

"Son give me time to answer that, you can call me Dean" he said smiling

I got up and felt a relief by asking him that. Dean got up from his seat and hugged me I hugged him back.

I went looking for Bane. She was sitting on the stairs. She probably listen to the whole conversation until I seen her crying.

"What's wrong" I asked

"William" she said wiping away tears

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