IX: Problems

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---Tuesday morning----

I woke up to see Zion sleeping on one of the chairs. He looks so adorable sleeping. The things that I would do right now if we weren't here.

---knock @ door---

Me- you can come in

It took the person forever to come inside. Then when they did I was in shock.

Me- Dad
Dad- hey hunni

I couldn't believe it it's been a week and I never heard from him. I started to cry then I looked over my shoulder to see that Zion woke up.

Dad- hey kid can I have a minute with my daughter
Zion- yes sir

He left the room and went to the cafeteria. My dad looked worried then ever. Just the stare he gave me had me a little worried what would come out of his mouth.

Dad- Bane, I need to tell you something
Me- yes (worried look)
Dad- your mom isn't your mom
Me- what are u talking about
Dad- I....
Me- not now dad

Finding out something this big isn't worth my while. It could help me right now but not right now. I feel hurt. Is that why she couldn't take me to the hospital the first time something happened.

--knock @ door--

The doctor came in with some news.

Doc- so we have an answer to what's happening but I'll like to speak to a parent
Dad- I'm her dad
Doc- okay, come let's talk outside
Dad- okay

They left the room. It had me worried once again this time the monitor was going off. My heart beat was racing because all this is just stressful. When they came back inside my dad looked more worried.

Doc- hey sweetie
Me- can u just tell me and skip all that sweet stuff
Doc- you have Cancer

I've been hit with a bullet. It hurts knowing something....caused me so much problems. I seen Zions feet at the door he was just standing there. I wonder if he heard anything.

The doctor already left the room and my dad was sitting on the chair. I couldn't believe I just got some worst news today. Zion finally came inside the room walked straight to me and hugged me.

Zion- you shouldn't have to fight alone

He made me cry with those words coming out of his mouth.

♡Zion P.O.V♡

I woke up to Bane crying. I thought that someone hurt her but it just looked like her dad. He asked if I'd leave.

I wonder if he knows were dating. He wasn't there when I gave the news to everyone. I'm going to get something to eat cause I'm starving.

--- cafeteria---

I head inside and I seen that there is this girl just looking at me. She probably know me from Prettymuch.

Girl- hey
Zion- sup
Girl- I'm diamond I'm Banes friend
Zion- how did you know she was here
Diamond- I didn't, but now I know, my grandmas here
Zion- sorry it's just a lot happen lately
Diamond- yup I can tell we'll tell her I said get better soon
Zion- I will do that

I walked away and headed for the elevators. It feels so lonely not having Bane by my side. She's so gorgeous and thoughtful.

--at her door--

I'm standing right outside. Before I can grab the door knob all i heard was "you have Cancer". My heart dropped. I never felt this way about any girl and the way Bane made me feel it's like a miracle. She is my angel, no my shine, no more like my world.

The doctor walked out and he waved at me, I just nodded. I couldn't go inside and watch her cry. I waited a bit then headed inside.

I walked straight to her and hugged her telling her she didn't have to go through this alone. She started to cry into my shoulder. I felt a spark I felt as if she was the only thing that mattered to me.

☆ Bane P.O.V☆

I got out my phone to call everyone and tell them to come to the hospital. Zion called all the boys. We got close over the week that I've been here, but it seems like years.

---everyone arrives---

The look on everyone's face is just amazing. There all glowing they seem so happy to see me. They all brought me flowers. But my favorite person right now is Nick cause he brought me a big teddy bear. I felt so happy but sad that I was about to ruin everybody's day.

Me- okay everyone my dad has something to tell you
Dad- really Bane
Me- yes (scared look)
Dad- okay everyone so this isn't to welcoming but she could use a lot of support, but Bane has Cancer

Everyone faces went from glowing to dark. It made me depressed. I couldn't let everyone feel like they just had to be my heros.

Me- hey come on cheer up, don't let the clouds block the sun

Everyone started to go back to regular. Then the nurse came in. I just looked at her like is there more bad news.

Nurse- it's okay no more bad news
Me- okay
Nurse- were just checking your vitals and then doc can decide if you can go home today or tomorrow
Me- ya
Nurse- okay everyone needs to leave and go wait in the waiting room it's to crowded in here
Everyone- bye Bane
Zion- bye Babe

The nurse checked my vitals and ran a couple of more tests. When she came back inside she looked excited to tell me news. For the first time today i felt great.

Nurse- So, doc said you could go home
Me- really
Nurse- yeah we just need your parents to check you out then your all set to go

My dad came back inside to talk to the nurse and to sign the release papers. I got off the bed and put the clothes o had came in with on. The walked out of the hospital with everyone.

There was only 3 cars so I rode back to my house with Zion. We needed some alone time.

Zion- hey babe
Me- yes
Zion- I don't ever want to lose you
Me- I don't either

We just drove the really long way to my house. Intel he parked the car and hoped in and told me to come in the back.

Zion- hey come on babe let's have a little fun
Me- sure why not

I hoped onto his lap then we started to kiss. He slowly went down my neck kissing every inch of it. Then he started to remove my top kissing all the way down to my pants. I started to unbutton his pants and take it off.

He reached over behind the driver's seat and grabbed a condom. I reached down to take off his shirt and damn his body was amazing. Then lights flashed upon my eyes when he entered me. The way he was, was so soft and nice I couldn't believe it took us this long.

Then all of a sudden we heard sirens from behind the car. We hurried up and put our close back on. The  the officer came to the window.

Officer- hey kids open the window
Zion- okay sir
Officer- hey your Zion from prettymuch okay this is a restricted area I'm letting you off with a warning
Zion- thank you sir

He hurried and got into the passenger seat and drove away. We both just looked at each other and laughed. That's the worst nothing ever happened to me like that.

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