the end

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-- 5 months later --

+ Bane p.o.v +

Yeah your probably thinking didnt you die. But let me tell no it was lie that i had no clue what was going on. My dad told me the day after i was ruled dead cause i woke up and seen that i was still alive which was werid.

So he let me write a letter to zion if you didnt get it i told him to look for me. Which i know hes not because life is just to fast. Well anyways im a spy a real secret one so i switch my identity every now and then.

Right now im in New york getting a ticket for a concert. He wont recognize me if your wondering ive redesign myself so no one can recognize me. Its kind of sad what i did but its my life now.

I have a couple of hours to spare until the show starts but i got VIP so i can hang with them before it starts. So i head inside the area and seen the guys rehearsing.

"Hey prettymuch" i said

"Yo whats up" Brandon said coming towards me

"Heyy" nick yelled

They all came towards me and started to hug me. I felt as of had to tell them it was me but i could compromise everything i have done for the past 5 months.

"So im Brandon the one with dreads is Zion, Edwin over there looking at himself, Blonde one us Austin, And Nick is the one that yelled" he introduced everyone

"I know who you guys are, but im Brenda" i said, its also my cover

"Well Brenda just hang out here well we finish up" he said walking back over

I watched as they performed. I kind of missed it all like the way they looked especially Zion. I eyed him out the whole time they rehearsing.

"So you liked what you see" Zion said wiping his face

"Probably" i laughed

"Your sweet kind of reminds me of my girlfriend" he said

"You have a girlfriend" i asked

"Not anymore, she died" he looked sad

"Its okay i mean she was probably amazing" i said as i walked out

I couldnt stay in there and lie to his face. I needed some air. I stared outside as Zion walked towards me.

"Are you okay, you just ran out" he asked worried

"Yeah, just a little overwhelmed" i played it off

"Okay" he said

"Just keep looking for me" i added

"Wait what" he looked at me

I faced him and stared into his eyes. I couldnt say anymore and couldnt get to the fact im exposing myself to get a goodbye from him.

"Just keep looking for me" i said once more

He pulled me into a deep kiss. I felt him remember all the times he loved me.

"Bane i love you" he pulled away

"I cant do this" i looked up at him

"I thought you were dead" he said

"Zion, im a spy since the day i died, i had no clue but i shouldnt be exposing myself to you" i complained

"Its okay, i wont tell and i the secret wont get out" he reassured me

"No one not even the boys" i put my pinky out and he promised

We went back to the place they were practicing. He acted normal but at times i could feel him wanna slip but hold it in. We ate pizza and i even helped them practice it was all fun.

The went to perform for everyone it was a good show. But before they were done i had to dip. So i couldnt say goodbye but i got to leave a letter for them and see them before i disappear.

× Zion p.o.v ×

We just finished our performance. The crowd was wild. I havemt been such a good mood for awhile but i felt as if my head knew that i was fine and i gorlt what i wanted.

We headed for the backstage. I looked around to find Bane but she wasnt in site.

"Hey guys theres a letter from Brenda" brandon called over from the dressing room

We walked over. When everyone was around he opened it.

Dear boys,

I know what your thinking why such a ghost? Im telling you this out of my safety, i could really end up dead this time. Its me Bane Wish your dearset friend and lover (zion). I needed to see you guys one more time to make sure what im doing is right. My best of wishes to all. Keep your love ones closer to you and never forget me cause this is the final time you will ever get to see me. Dont forget keep an eye on him he may loose it.

Bane Wish

When Brandon read that. I felt at peace with everything life made sense. She was running from a past life and couldnt stay. I just hope where she is that she will always be safe.


Well this is the end of the story. Im so glade to have been able to get some of you interseted in my story. Ive reached 500 today 10/19/18. Im glade i hope you enjoyed this book. If you did go read the other books i made.

Peace out loves for Now✌🦒👑

The Secrets That Lie |Zion Kuwonu|Where stories live. Discover now