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When i got home with william everyone was there. When i say everyone i say everyone. My grandma, grandpa, Brandon, edwin, nick, austin, zion, my close cousins, antys, uncles and my brothers.

"Hey whats going on" i asked

"Were having a party" kanoa said

"Why" i asked

"For life" he joked around

I started to cry. The look on his face went from being happy to sad. He came up to me and hugged me.

"I know its not funny, but we fucking love you and nothing is going to change that" he held on well my brothers came to join all of them even william

We got out of the big sibling hug and went into the backyard to go have fun. Everyone was happy to see me those who we where close with and those we got to know.

"Hi grandma" i gave her a hug

"Hi baby, who is that fine young gentleman that keeps looking at you" she pointed to zion

"Thats my boyfriend and his friends want to meet him" i asked her

"Yes sweetie" she nodded her head

"ZION come" i yelled over to him

He came as slow as a damn turtle. My grandma is not the most impatient women in the world but she waited for him.

"Hello Ma'am" he stuck his hand out

"Hello" she pulled him in for a hug

"I love your granddaughter" he told her

"I know i watched you stare at her" she smiled at him

*ding ding*

My parents tapped on there glass cups. Everyone stopped what they were doing at looked at them.

"We have an announcement" My mom said

"We are getting a divorce" my dad said

Everyone started to whisper.

"Why" i yelled

"Time" thats all he said

"Im dying in 2 weeks" i yelled out to everyone and walked to the house

I sat in the kitchen and cried. My parents are doing me a favor at least for now. There fucking stupid i tell you.

"Hi babe" Zion looked sad

"I thought i had more time" i mummbled out

"Its okay love im your mans" he smiled

"Hahha i love you zion" i hugged him

"Do you actually think im dying" i looked curiously at him

"No i dont believe it" he played with my hair

"Wanna go" i asked him

"Upstairs" he took my hand

We walked upstairs to my room. I first i wasnt in the mood for him to do anything but lay down until he took his shirt off.

"Okay" i Flirtatious said

He picked me up and we started kissing. He dropped on the bed and we started getting rough. He took my shirt off and my bra. I grinded against him i felt him get hard.

He flipped me over and stared kissing me down. My pants slowly came off i felt his temptation but i didnt let him do anything yet😏. My underwear came off and i was butt naked. He began to take his off.

He slowly entered me and i felt every motion he did. My hands wrapped around him my nails digging into his back. Zion felt like an angel saving me from myself. He slowly pulled in and out. Every stroke was like an instrument going throughout my body.

--1 hour and 44 min later---

We fell asleep.


Is she dying let me know?

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Peace out loves ✌🦒

The Secrets That Lie |Zion Kuwonu|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora