dont let go

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♡ zion p.o.v ♡

Todays the funeral for bane.  I miss her but I cant seem to want to let her go. shes been gone for a week but it still feels like shes here. the boys are getting ready for the funeral. it doesn't start for another hour. so were about to leave. 

"Zion you ready" Nick asked

"yeah" I got up from the bed

"do you know where here if you need us"  he said

"yeah" I said again

we went to the car and drove to the cemetery. there was so much people there already. her family was crying all of them. her dad wasn't crying he had glasses on and it looked like he was trying to be strong.

"hi Mr. wish" I said to him

"hey son" his voice cracked

"how are you doing" I asked

"holding up, here is this letter for you" he handed me an envelope

I stepped aside and opened the it. it read.

Dear love,

im glade I met you. my life was going in the wrong direction and I never knew why. it put the sweeties of the kisses on me and held me higher then I possibly could. I find myself with you and im never going to forget. just remember im always around keep looking. I know its a close casket so you don't get see me but im telling you im much alive in spirit not literally. this is fun writing to you knowing that your probably reading this. All I wanted to tell you was that I love you and don't ever forget me I swear Zion.

Love your dearest,


I folded the letter and walked into the room. I sat by the boys but I couldn't get what she meant by I had to keep looking for her. Does this mean shes not in there or dead. I needed answers but I needed to face the fact shes gone because I was there when her heart stoped beating. ive cried for days and didn't eat. 

-- 2 hours later--

everyone was starting to go home after we buried her body was layed to rest. ive never actually seen myself going to one of these. Brandon walked to the car to get it ready because we had to leave.

"Zion lets go" Austin yelled from near the car

"im coming" I ran to the car

"are you sure your fine, you seem off" Nick asked

"no I got this letter from bane" I pulled the letter out

"what it said" Edwin asked

"she told me to keep looking for her" I said confused

"shes just saying don't give up" Brandon put his 2cents in

we drove to the house and got packed we had to go on tour. wasn't the best of timing but you know something to get my mind of, off her.


hey everybody thanks for reading the next chapter will probably be the last of this book but you could go and read the other books I have. I love every single one of you guys thank you for reading and keeping updated with the chapters.

peace out loves

The Secrets That Lie |Zion Kuwonu|Where stories live. Discover now