VII: Party😶

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We walked in to the restaurant not knowing what lied ahead. I felt a tingle in my spine as we entered the door. I seen kana from the side of my eye and he waved at us. I was confused what is he doing here. Then I felt some hands go around my face. Then I started to panick in the inside. I was being set up.

Stranger- guess who
Me- I'm scared do I really have to
Stranger- it will be fun
Me- dad
Stranger- no I'll remove my hands and then you can see
Me- okay
Stranger- sike I won't
Me- come on it's scary already
Stranger- nope

Then the person removed there hands slowly, I was scared to turn around and look. I turned around slowly because right now it could be anyone. When I fully do my circle I seen that its William. I gave him the biggest hug. I couldn't believe he was here. I felt like everyone here but not my dad and I'm kind of sad but excited. I look for him in the restaurant but there is no sign.

Me- Pooh your here
William- yes and I'm staying, were going to graduate together and go to school together
Me- OMG your going to make me cry

~Zion p.o.v~

I take them into the restaurant and Bane looks scared shitless. Alika doesn't seem to care he doesn't even know what's happening.

I open the door and feel Bane squeeze on my arm. She has a tight squeeze. We head more inside and one of her brothers are waving us down. Alika looks happy he hasn't seen them at all since he got here. My cousin William puts his hands around Banes eyes so she doesn't see him. Its kind of funny she's freaking out.

When William removed his hands she turned around slowly and hugged him tightly. Then they started to talk. I'm kind of jealous even though I know Bane is dating me but she just called him pooh. He's my cousin so I know once she tells him he'll back off.

~Banes p.o.v~

This is so fun having everybody here. It was for me and Alika cause he just arrived and I just woke up. But I don't see Zion where is my baby. I hope he is okay.

Me- hey william
William- yeah
Me- I'm going on the roof for some air I'll be back
William- can I come
Me- no just stay here and associate
William- okay

I head for the staircase leading to the roof. It's so beautiful up here looking at California at night. I hear someone up here. It sounds like someone is crying. I head towards the sound
And it was Zion sitting on the ground crying with his hands on his face.

Me- hey babes what's wrong
Zion- nothing (whipping face)
Me- come on people don't just cry for no reason
Zion- I'm jealous and I think u like my cousin
Me- hahahaha that's funny me like william
Zion- come on it's not funny you have a nickname for him
Me- we've been friends forever and now I'm with u (kisses him on forehead)
Zion- come on were going to tell everyone were together

He took me by my hand and we left the roof to go back downstairs. When we got there he stood on a table and grabbed a glass and spoon.

Zion- hey everyone I have an and bane are dating and we just want to thank everyone for coming to this party for her waking up from a scaring event and Alikas home coming thank you

He got down and I seen that william left the restaurant.

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