RWBY Chibi Episode 18

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The Return of the Pickles

In the Beacon Academy kitchen, Ruby struggles to open a jar of pickles.

Ruby: Urgh! Open up, jar! Release my tasty pickles!

Sun strolls over confidently.

Sun: Need some help?

Ruby: *Sigh* Fine, but only because I'm starving.

Ruby hands Sun the jar.

Sun: Let me show you how a real man handles this.

Sun struggles for a few moments, but is unsuccessful in opening the jar.

Sun: They sure make the lids tight on these plastic jars.

Ruby: Aww, I guess that means no pickles for me.

Sun: Why don't we ask Y/N for help? He would gladly help his "precious petal" out.

Ruby: No! You never ask Y/N for help!

Sun: Why not?

Y/N comes bounding in.

Y/N: My boyfriend sense is tingling! What's that? A jar of pickles?!

Ruby hides the jar behind her back.

Ruby: Uh, No! who said anything about pickles? I don't want any pickles.

Sun: But you said you were starving!

Y/N: I knew it!

He grabs the jar of pickles

Y/N: You dare to make my girlfriend hungry?!

Ruby dives out of the way and tackles Sun clear of Y/N.

Y/N: Prepare for your demise, jar!

Lightning and latin choir can be heard as he unseathes Masamune. Tons of slashing and explosions can be heard.

Y/N: Face...your...despair!

A loud explosion is heard, and the lid of the jar comes rolling over, settling in front of Ruby and a very stunned Sun.

Y/N: Here you go my love. All you had to do was ask.

Ruby: Yeah... Thanks.

Y/N sticks his hand in the jar to grab a pickle, but his hand gets stuck inside.

Y/N: Oh, you just don't know when to quit, do you?

Ruby: Run!!

Ruby and Sun run away as Y/N grins and brandishes his sword at the jar.

Evil Plans and Chaos Emerald

On a whiteboard, under the title "Ultimate Evil Plans", blueprints of Beacon Academy and Beowolves are pinned up, along with the words "Chaos = Yes Please!", "Hugs = No!", "Grimms = Lots & Lots!" and "Puppies = Probably Not".

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