The dance( part 2)

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Shikira was having the time of her life. There were people dancing, singing and talking with their friends.

Everyone quieted down when the music stopped and the principal walked and the stage.

' May I have your attention please?' he asked. When everyone quieted down, he spoke again.' The members of the staff and I have a treat for you. Shikira Williams, one of your classmates, is going to sing a song. So give it up for Shikira!'

Everyone cheered as Shikira walked on the stage. The principal gave her the mic and walked off the stage.

' Um hi everyone' she said nervously ' This song is dedicated to my boyfriend Tyler' After saying that she started.

When she finished the whole crowd errupted in cheer. She was suprised when they started to chant.


' Okay okay I'll sing another song. This other song is dedicated to the first boy who broke my heart'

Once again the crowd cheered and chanted again


Shikira giggled and said.

' I see you guys are enjoying this
This last song is dedicated again to my boyfriend, Tyler.' she smiled and started.

After singing her last song, the crowd cheered and she walked off the stage. Fifteen minutes later, a slow dance was o. And Tyler asked Shikira to dance.

' You look really beautiful tonight' Tyler complemented. Shikira blushed and thanked him. The song they were slow dancing to was ' Dancing in the dark'. When they song finished, the principal walked back on stage.

' Good evening teachers and students' her spoke. ' Right now we're are going to give a prize to the best dressed person in this dance. The winner will have a tiara placed on there head' Everyone cheered then quieted down waiting for the winner to be said.

' And the winner is....' he paused holding a piece of paper. We waited in dead silence then he spoke again. ' Shikira!'

The crowd errupted in cheer as Shikira walked back on the stage. The principal placed the silver tiara on her head and face her the mic.

' Hello again. Thank you for making this over of the best nights of my life. You guys have always been there for each other and you never give up.' sure paused and looked at Tyler who was in the crowd. ' You're very special to me. You've been there for me though my toughest times and I love you for that.' she smiled and everyone clapped. The test of the night was filled with dancing and singing.


Shikira's POV

This night had been over of the best nights or my entire life. I really had a good time.

' You ready to go princess?' Tyler asked while I blushed.

' Yeah' I walked in front of him.

' This night was the best' Anastasia said while I nodded.

I was crossing the road when Tyler shouted my name. I turned around and saw a car coming towards me. I was about to run when I sprained my ankle. Getting up, I tried to walk fast but I was the late. The car collided with me and I skidded across the floor. I layed on the floor, weak as hell and the last thing I remember is Tyler yelling my name then the world became black.
Hey total subjects. That was another chapter of ' the bad boys'girl'

What will happen to Tyler note that Shikira's in the hospital?

Will Micheal found out?

The next chapter will be out next.


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