Running Free!

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HEWO!!! It's. Your boy Joey here!!

Jake: Don't ever say that again!

Anyways! Jake and I are running away! It started like this! Jake and I secretly met at the park at night time and Jake was like! "Hey! Let's run away!" And I'm like. "Ok!" So! We are in this forest lost and alone!


I don't know the way out!!!

Jake: Because someone got us lost!!

Well at least Shizuo and Izaya won't find us!

Jake: We will probably hear Shizuo's Monster footsteps before they even get to us!

*laughs* Hey! Is anyone else gonna read this?

Jake: Noo....

Why not! You showed it to me!  

Jake: You made me show it too you!! You even focus me to let you write in it!!

Come on Jake!! Your the one who took it out when I was here!!!

Jake: .....ass....

*laughs* Your an ass too you know!

Jake: Not as much as you are! Who's the one who ate my candy when I wasn't looking!

It was my favorite!!

Jake: So? Don't mean you take it!

*sighs* well I better end this here! BAII!!!!

Jake: Bai! H

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