Telling the Secret

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We walked to Shinra's house and I knocked on the door. Celty opened it. She typed something on her phone. "Oh! Joey and Jake! I thought you two weren't allowed to see each other!" I smile nervously. "Shizuo abs Izaya Aren't here right?" Joey said. She continued to type. "No! They're not!" He both sigh in Relief. As we walked in I felt fear in my body. In front of us.....were our brothers..... Izaya got up. " two decide to see each other without our approval!" We both look down. Shizuo got up too. "You two are not allowed to see each other! And you know it!" He said with a growl. My heart raced. I didn't want them to take us away from each other. "Let's go Jake!" Izaya and walked to the door. I tighten my hands. "No..." Izaya stopped. "What did you say?" Joey looked at me. "I said no! You are not take us away from each other! Justin because you hate each other....doesn't mean we do...." Izaya narrowed his eyes at me. "Jake's right! We won't stand for it any longer! We don't want to fight anymore! Can't you understand that?" Shizuo growled. "Isn't he the one who made you cry? Didn't he want you to get out of his life??!! His no good for you Joey!!" Joey started to yell. "SHUP UP!!!" Shizuo was shocked. "I don't care about that!!! Jake's a good kid!!!" He started to cry. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. Joey cried in my chest. I glared at Shizuo for making my boyfriend cry. Nobody! Nobody was gonna make him cry! Joey kept crying and hugged me back. A kept my eyes on Shizuo to make sure he didn't move. "Just because I hate him once....doesn't mean I will hurt him again....I care about know why....because's his my boyfriend..." I said. That shocked everyone in the room but I didn't care. I held Joey tightly as he continue to cry. I nuzzled his hair to help him calm down a little. I wiped some of Joey's tears away.....then we looked at each and put out foreheads together. It was our way to tell each other that we are here and we won't ever leave! I then pulled Joey out of the house and we walked down the street. I held his hand as we walked. Once and awhile I glanced at him. No was no way I was gonna let them come between us!

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