Home Town

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Joey and I went to our home town. It was amazing seeing it again. We were walking about when Joey saw a woman with red hair. He stood still. "You're alright?" I asked. His eyes sparkled. The woman goes around the corner and Joey runs afternoon her quickly. "Joey! Wait up!" I call but sea of people block my view and prevent me from finding him. When they leave Joey is no where in sight. I start to panic. He couldn't of gotten far!! I search all over for him but he isn't isn't anywhere. I sit against a wall and start to cry. Where did he go? Who was that woman? I cried harder and I put my head in between my legs. "Jake? Is that you?" I looked up and saw a woman with brown skin and brown hair. "Mom!!" I called and ran to her. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me. "What are you doing here alone Jake? Isn't Izaya with you?" My mom asked. I looked at her. "It's a long story..." I said. "Jake!" Joey ran to us and that woman followed. "So this is Jake." The woman said to my mom. "Yes. Isn't he the cutest?" My mother asked. Joey looked a lot happier than he usually does. I then realize. That was his mom. I suddenly got angry with him and smacked his head. "Jake!" He whined. "Don't ever run away without telling me again!" I scolded him. Our mom's smiled. "Come on you two. Let's go to home." Joey's mom said. We followed our moms home. Joey held my hand tightly. I smiled at him and gently kiss his cheek. He looks at me and blush but then he smiles. "See ya tomorrow." My mom said to Joey's mom. I didn't want to leave. "Mom! Can I stay in Joey's house tonight?" I asked, quickly. She looked at me and smiled. "Of course you can. Just make sure to blush your teeth and wash in the shower." I nodded. We went inside. I wonder why Joey's mother's hair is red and not Joey's. Joey and I were still holding hands. Sorry brought me up to his room. His beg is huge. I can only imagine all the things we could do on it. I shake my head quickly. God I am a pervert! Joey lays on his bed. "So soft." He said. I'm struggling not to pin him down and kiss him to death. Joey sits up and slowly takes off his shirt. Omg! Is he trying to seduce me?! He smirks at me and walks over. He kisses my neck. I shall to god if he doesn't stop I will love it! "We can't Joey. What about the baby." I sighed. Joey sighs. "I get it but I'm horny." He says. I blush. "I can only kiss you but you gotta lock the door." I said. Joey locks the door and I push him on the bed. I kiss him deeply. Joey moans loudly. I kiss down his neck to his nipples. He gasp. "Jake~" Joey moans. I have to stay in control. I can't let my animal side out. Especially now that Joey's mom can hear us. I start sucking Joey's nipples gently. Joey moans really loud. "Joey! Don't moan so loud!" I hiss. Joey groans. "I can't help it Jake. It feels to good." I'm starting to get worried. His mom could be hearing us right now! Joey looks at me. "Jake...you're worried about my mother aren't you?" He asked, softly. I get off of him and sit up, not facing him. Joey sits up as well. "She won't care if we are together. She always knew I was gay." Joey told me. "It's not that...it's the baby....what if they break us apart...that they don't understand....Shizuo would kill me if he knew....image what your mother would think." I said. "Jake...She won't care...and neither will your mom or Shizuo...they all will be happy..." Joey said. I am unsure. Joey sighed and put his head on my shoulder. "Promise me one thing....we will take care of the baby like good parents and teach it the right and wrongs." I smiled. "I promise. Can you promise me to be my boyfriend no matter what?" I asked. "I promise." I pulled out from my pocket two golden rings and showed him them. "You still have them?!" Joey asked. "I promise is a promise." I said with a smile. Joey put on his promise ring and so did I. We held our hands together and smiled. Joey hugs me and I hug back. "What should we name the baby?" Joey asked. "We should wait until we know it's gender." I replied. "Should we tell our mom's?" I gulped. "If you wanna...I'm pretty sure I can die happily now." Joey punches me in the shoulder and I laugh. "Love you two baby."

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