Bath Time~

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Me and Joey are in the bath together. Joey is laying on my chest. I am touching his stomach gently. "I think I felt a kick." I said. "I did too." Joey said. I lay my chin on his shoulder. Joey lays his head back and closes his eyes. "How was work together Hun?" I asked him. "Boring as usual." Joey said. I smile. I gently kiss his neck. Joey gives out a soft and quiet moan. I still touch his stomach rubbed gently. Joey sighs happily. "I'm glad you're my boyfriend, Jake." I smile at him. "Likewise." I then remember the phone calls I had early. Should I tell him? "Joey? Do you remember my old gang?" I asked. Joey opened his eyes and looked at me. "Yeah." He said. "Well...they kinda knew I liked you." I says blushing. "The whole school including me, knew you liked me." My jaw dropped. "What?!" I screamed. " were very obvious about it. You were just a prick so you didn't want to say it. Also....I know it was you who made the whole school shun me." Ok! Now I feel bad! "Joey I'm-" Joey covers my mouth and gives me a glare. "I know what you're gonna say and don't. Jade told you were just in denial and even though are a prick you still love me deep down inside your heart." I smile. Jade...what am I gonna do with you? I kiss Joey's lips deeply. Joey lets me enter his mouth and I lick all over it. Joey moans and tightly grips my arm. I have to remember the baby so I pull away. Joey pouts at the lose. I kiss him gently on the lips. He sighs and puts his head on my chest again.

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