The party~

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We said goodbye to our mom's and went on the plane. Joey and I sat together on the plane. Shizuo and Izaya sat on the role next to us. Joey had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I looked over to Izaya and Shizuo. Izaya had also fallen also on Shizuo's shoulder. I looked out the window. When we landed I was surprised to see Izaya's and Shizuo's friends waiting for us. "Jake! Joey!" Erika ran to us and hugged me first. Usually I would be pushing her off but I didn't mind it. "Congrats you two!" Masaomi said, smiling. Joey was still a little sleepy and yawned. "We heard from Shinra you two are expecting a baby!" Mikado said, happily. "We are really happy for you." Anri said, smiling. I smiled brightly. We walked to Shinra's house. Joey and I walked in first. The rest of their  friends were there. "Congrats!!" They said. "Congratulations you two!" Simon said. He hugged us tightly. "Congrats you two. You will become great Parents." Mika said. "I can't believe Shizuo's and Izaya's Brothers got together. I never thought it would happen." Seiji said. "I'm gonna get some food." Joey said, walking away from me. I stand away from people. I was never good with new people. Izaya walked up to me with a girl. "Jake. This is Namie Yagiri. She works with me." Izaya said. "More like slave for you." Namie said. "Lighten up. I can't be that bad." Izaya smiles. "Who's the one who walked to make a war with Celty'a head?" Izaya blushed and started smirking. "A-anyways. Namie has asked to meet you for awhile now...and since you're gonna be a father...she was to be the Aunt." Izaya says, still blushing. "Oh...umm sure..." I said awkwardly. "Izaya do you mind me talking to your brother alone?" Namie asked. "No, not at all." Izaya walks away. Namie knees if front of me and stares into my eyes. She than hugs me tightly. She pulls out of it smiling. "You're just as Izaya had told me." She said. I was confused. "He couldn't of talked about me that much." I said. "You're right..." She said. "He talked about you way more. Seriously! Every other word out of his mouth was about you. He told me how proud he is of you. Ever since you first got adopted he couldn't stop speaking of you bye he told me to keep him adopting your a secret so I couldn't even see you. I mean...look at those strong arms of your and your clothes are just like his." I just stared at her. "I would also like to thank you." She said. "For what?" I asked. "For changing Izaya." I tilted my head. "Before he adopted you he was crazy! He believed he was God, even though he didn't believe in heaven and he wanted to start a war...but when he saw an add that you had to be adopted...he changed. He did everything to get you. I could no longer see that mental Izaya but a knew kind and loving one. He sweared he would protect you from every danger out there no matter what the cause. He would give his life for you Jake." Namie smiled. I was so stunned. He loves me that much? Namie gets up. "Congrats Jake. I'm sure you will be a proud father." She walks way. Joey was talking to Mikado and Masaomi. I couldn't help but smile. Shizuo and Izaya were talking to Shinra. I walked over to them. "Congrats Jake." Shinra said. But I had to hug Izaya so I did. "Jake?" He said. I began to cry. "Thank you....for making me your brother." I said. Izaya hugged me back very tightly. "Thank you for making me who I am today." Tears fell on my neck. We both cried into each other's arms. "I love you~" I cooed to him. "I love you too~" he cooed back. "So cute!!" Shinra said. "Yeah it is." Shizuo said. Izaya pulled away a little but tears still rolled down his cheeks. He stood up and tried to wipe them away. He looked at me. "I can't believe how much your grown Jake. I thought I always had to protect you and keep you save. I didn't want you to feel the pain or become what I had...So I kept you away from people and didn't let anyone know you were my brother. That was a mistake. I should of known you would grow up to be humber and kind. You're different from me and I like that...I'm glad your find someone you can be with. Someone you trust and love forever. I can't believe my little Jake is gonna be a father...I..." Izaya broke down crying. Shizuo put an arm around him and Izaya put his head on his chest. I cried hardly a little. Everyone looked at us. Joey walked over to me and hugged me. "'s ok..." He said. I cried in his shoulder. Joey got a glass of water and I drank it. Both me and Izaya stopped crying a little. We smiled at each other. After the party me and Joey were laying in my bed. I was spooning him. I was rubbing his stomach. "Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl?" Joey asked. "Let's wait until the birth to find out." I answered. Joey turn on his side facing me. He kissed me forehead. "I could never of asked for a better boyfriend." Joey said. My eyes sparkled. "The same for goes for me."

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