The Call

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I wake and see Joey sleeping peacefully beside me. I kiss his forehead softly so I don't wake him up. I quietly get out of my bed and go downstairs. "Morning..." I say to Celty who was sitting at the kitchen table. She stopped me and typed something her phone. There was a call for you from someone named, Rose. Shinra told me to tell you. My eyes widen. I ran to the phone and called them back. "H-hello?" I said when they picked up. "Jake is this you?!" I couldn't believe it. "Rose?!?" I said shocked. "I haven't talked to you since you were five. How's life with your big brother" she asked. "How do you know-" I was cut off. "Your mom told me. Izaya has been giving her updates. She also told me you have a boyfriend now." I blushed majorly. I'm gonna kill Izaya. "Y-Yeah...he is nice....and sweet..." I say awkwardly. "Well I gotta go...I'll call you soon ok? Bye little bro!" I hanged up the phone. I stood there for a minute. Did I just it wasn't my imagination...Rose just called me! My crush since I was five just called me. I'm sorry happy right. "I can't believe it! Rose called me!" I squealed. "God Jake you are such a girl!" I turned around and saw Joey. "Whatever..." Joey walks over to me and kisses my cheek. "Thanks for last night..." I blush again as he walked away. "JOEY!!!" I scream in embarrassed. He laughs. We sit down at our table and eat our breakfast. I didn't eat a lot I was to busy thinking of my family. They didn't have a lot of money so when Izaya came to America my mom and dad sent me with him to Japan. I didn't want to go...I was still five and I was scared but Izaya calmed me down. He told me I'll be alright and he will take good care of me...I love him...he's my big brother and I never will love him less but...I miss my mom and dad. I look up and saw Joey staring at me. "What?" I asked. "What's ya thinking about?" He asked. "My family..." I answered. "Where did you come from?" I looked at him. "America..." Joey smiles brightly. "I did too!" He said. I smile a little. After breakfast we go to the park. I sit on the swing, looking at the ground. Joey is playing on the slide. I watch him. Does he miss his family? I get off the swing and walk to him. He looks to me and stops. "Joey...can we talk?" He nods. We go someplace where we are alone. We sit under a tree. "What do you wanna talk about?" Joey asked. "About your family..." we were sitting on opposite sides of the tree but I could see his eyes widen in my mind. "I don't really want to talk about it them Jake..." I sigh. "You don't have to will give me a good sense about your past and what's up to you through..." I said. Joey doesn't say anything for awhile. "What happened Joey...I'm here to talk about it...I love you and I don't want you to keep this all in yourself...don't forget I'm in orphan to alright?" I hear Joey take a sharp breath. "My dad wasn't the best but he tried...he tried to take care of the house and us but...he mostly a young age I knew he loved us but...he didn't show it...he mostly left us alone and my mom yelled at him for not being siblings and I loved each other to death although we weren't true siblings...I heard my mom and dad fight about my siblings before they got divorced saying my siblings weren't from my mom's belly...even after hearing that I still loved them...than when we said goodbye I promised them I'll see them again...but I don't think I ever will..." Joey starts to cry and I reach behind the tree to touch his hand. "It's gonna be ok will see them..." I grab his hand tightly.

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