The Birth~

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It is happening!!!! Joey's having the baby and Izaya and Shizuo won't pick up their stupid phones! It's my birthday too! The baby had to come on my birthday! Joey in the bath tub in a little water. He is in a lot a pain more then he should be. I mean he is giving birth to a human being! That's gonna be painful right?! RIGHT?! As you can probably tell I'm freaking the fuck out and have no idea what I have to do! Shinra and Celty are at there jobs and we are here alone. I have no fucking clue how to deliver a freaking baby! "Jake! It hurts." Joey said. "It's gonna be fine Jo Jo. Just try to relax." I replied. Call me a hypocrite but I have to tell him that! If he sees I'm freaking out he will freak out! So I'm trying to calm him down while I do the same for me! "Jake...Call Jade..." My eyes widen. That was a great idea! I ran downstairs like lightning and called Jade when Jade picked up I told her what was happening. I was panicking. I would kill myself if something happens to the baby. It's our first child. Jade calms me down and tells me to get towels I bring the phone with me and get the towels then she tells me to go back upstairs and get into the bath with Joey. The bath is really big so both of us can fit without touching each other. I go back upstairs and I get into bath. I put Jade on speaker and she tells Joey to push. Joey's scared at first but I tell him it's gonna be alright. He pushes and groans in pain. Jade tells me to hold the towels under Joey's butt. I do as I am told. Joey keeps pushing and pushing. "I see a head!!" I yell. "Keep pushing Joey!" Jade said. Soon the baby is in my arms crying. "We did it Joey! We have our first born!" I cheered. Joey smiles. Joey squeals happily. "Is it a bit or a girl?!" She asked. "I'm gonna tell you later when everyone's here. Jade, can you tell our old friends?" I asked her, still holding the baby. "Of course! Call me later!" She then hangs up the phone. Joey looks really tired I help him up and walk him to our bed. He lays on the covers. I put the newborn baby in a blanket and put them next to him. "We did it Jake..." Joey says, tiredly. "We you and the baby need to sleep." Joey and the baby fall asleep together. I put on new clothes and run out to get Izaya's and Shizuo's friends. I see Celty, Mika, and Seiji talking by Celty's motorcycle. I run to them. "Jake? What are you doing here?" Seiji asked me. "I thought werek suppose to be with Joey." Mika added. "Joey had the baby!" I said, excitedly. Celty started to type. "What?! Shizuo and Izaya weren't there?!" I shook my head. "They didn't pick up their phones." I answered her. "You delivered it by yourself?!" I smiled proudly. "Wow! That's amazing Jake." Mika said. "And it's on your birthday too." Seiji said. "We will get Shinra. You get the others." Celty told me. I nodded and ran to the find the others. I literally ran in to Mikado and I fell on my bum. "What's wrong Jake?" He asked. "Joey! Had the baby!" I squealed. Mikado was stunned. "Really?! That's great news! I will tell Masaomi and Anri." I smile. I ran again. I went to Russia Sushi and found Erika after I told her she hugged me tightly. Simon hugged me as well. The only ones left are Shizuo and Izaya. I ran around the town until I find Shizuo. He was with Tom. "Shizuo! Shizuo!" I screamed to him. They stopped. I was really out breathe from running. "Are you ok Jake?" Shizuo asked me. "What didn't you pick up your phone?" I asked him. "I was busy." He asked me. "I stood straight and glared at him. "You were calling me ten times." Shizuo said. "JOEY WAS HAVING THE BABY AND I WAS PANICKING!!" I yelled at him. Shizuo went pale. "I'm so sorry Jake!" He said. I really hate to yell at people but not picking up the phone when your brother's boyfriend is calling you because your brother is in labor is very low. "It's fine...but if there's any chance of a next time and you and Izaya don't pick up the phone....There's gonna be hell to pay." I told him. "I will tell Izaya. Finish your work and met everyone by the house." Shizuo nods and I work to Izaya's work place. I run up the stars quickly and bang on the door. "IZAYA!!" I yell. Namie opens the door. "What's the matter?" She asked. I walk past her but I don't see Izaya. "Where is he?" I asked. "He got a call from his hometown so he had to go there." Namie told me. I smack my face. "Joey has the baby." I told her. She went pale. "I will be at the house in a few hours. I will make sure Izaya knows." Namie said. I rushed back to the house. The door was slightly open so I think the other got here first. I go in and see them. Erika gets up and hugs me. "Congrats Jakie!" She said. Anri hugs me too. After the hugs I went up to get the baby. It was still sleeping so I told everybody to be quiet. "Look at that red hair." Erika said. "And those cubby cheeks." Anri said. It was dark when Shizuo and Izaya rushed into the house. "I'm so sorry Jake! I came here as fast as I could." Izaya said. "Work was much busier today." Shizuo said. I glare at them. Namie sighs. Izaya looks at the baby. "It's so cute!" She says, smiling. Shizuo walks over too. "She looks a lot like Joey when he was a baby but it got your nose Jake." He said. I gave Izaya the baby and I went to wake up Joey. I open the door to our room and I see Joey sitting up reading. His messy hair looks so cute. He sees me. "Jake! I have a dream we delivered the back." He says to me. I walk over to him and put my hand on his forehead. "That's wasn't a dream, baby. It actually happened." I said Joey's eyes sparkled. "I want to see it!" He yelled. I help him downstairs. Izaya hugged him tightly. Joey sat next to Erika. I quickly called Jade. Izaya gave me back the back. "Soo...the baby is a girl." I told everyone. "What's her name?" Namie asked me. I smile at Joey. "Anya." I said. Joey's eyes widen. "That's a beautiful name." Anri said. Celty started to type on her phone. "Congratulations you two. I know you're gonna be the best dad." I smile. I know so too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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