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I was looking through some old school photos of when I was five and I saw this one kid who looked a lot like Joey. He had the same smile and the same hair. I got up and walked to the living room. Izaya was sitting on the arm rest of Shizuo's chair while Shizuo was reading his newspaper. "Um...Shizuo...where did Joey go to school when you met him?" I asked. "No where he was home schooled by his mother." Shizuo said. I look at that picture again. "Because...I found a school picture and there's a kid that looks just like him." Shizuo puts the newspaper down and I give the picture to him. Izaya looks at it too. "That's so know I do think I remember seeing you one time Shizuo..." Izaya says. "Likewise..." Shizuo said. If they saw each other than why didn't they fight. "But if you were there Joey must of been there too right?" Shizuo sighed. "I was looking around when I thought I saw Izaya so I followed him and I was right...he had a little boy with him...For the first time in my life I saw Izaya happy...he actually loved that little boy with his whole heart. That little boy...was you Jake..." My eyes widen. Izaya looks at me. I gulped down my tears. "Before we get any musher back to the subject at hand..."Izaya said, looking at Shizuo. "Right...I met Joey when he was walking down town alone. I followed him and saw him buy some stuff from the local market near your school Jake. That's when a bunch of bullies came out and called him a fag and other names. I stood in front of him and protected him. I wasn't afraid to show what I could do. The bunch of boys ran and I turned to Joey. I knew he was scared of me but I calmly put him in my arms and rocked him like a baby. He looked up at me and those big blue eyes sparkled like diamonds. I brought him home and I saw how bad his mother was. I asked her if I could take him back to Japan and she made me promise to take good care of him. Joey didn't want to leave. He cried and cried when we got on the plane but when we got to Japan I brought him a stuffed lion and he weren't let it go. He stayed close to me. I loved him as brother. I listened to everything he said but something changed with him..." I My eyes sparkled. "The first time he saw you...I could tell he loved you...I knew you were nothing like Izaya but....when you broke Joey's heart...I was pissed...I didn't want you anywhere near him....I realize now I was being selfish....if you two never went back together...thing's would of been much different between all of us..." I wanted to know more and Joey... I tighten my fists. "Do you know anything else about Joey?" Shizuo sighed. "I'm afraid not...Joey doesn't like to talk about his past with anyone..." Shizuo says. Oh Joey....I sigh. I walk out of the room and see Joey on the floor. "Joey are you ok?" I asked, crouching down beside him. He looks at me and glares. "Baka!!" He yells and runs out the door. "Joey wait!" I attempt to run after him but Shizuo pulls me back. "Don't. You only upset him more..." He said. Izaya walks to the door. "I'll be back...Shizuo...stay with Jake..." Shizuo nodded. I so confused.

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