Brithday week

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Joey and I were walking down the street. Joey's stomach had gotten bigger since it's been a few months. We are going to meet Erika and Anri for lunch. We go into Russia Sushi and sit waiting for them. I usually stay away from Erika and so just Joey but.... Izaya and Shizuo pretty made all there friends the baby's Aunts and Uncles soo...We have no choice but to meet with her. Joey is looking through the menu and drools. Simon walks up to us. "How is everything going with the baby you two?" He asked. Joey looks up at the grant man. "Good. It's Jake's birthday week too." Joey said. I blushed. Why does he keep on telling people that? It's not like I don't want him to but...I don't know...Izaya's tries to have a birthday party me...but he always has to do work every year so I don't really have a birthday party which is fine with me. "Happy Birthday Jake. I will make you fatty tuna to celebrate on the house." Simon said. I lick my lips. "Thank you." I said. Simon turned and walked into the kitchen. I sighed. Joey looks at me. "What's the matter?" He asked. "It's just...Why was I always stick with the brother who has to work all the time. Shizuo has time for you and even lets you go to work with him. I have to stay home all day and be bored." I answered him. "That's because Izaya's job is dangerous. He doesn't want you to get hurt." I averted my eyes away from Joey and lean my cheek on my hand. "I don't want to be the type of father that leaves there child to go to work all the time. I wanna be there for them and you." I said to him. "You will be Jake." Joey said, softly. "We will take good care of the baby." I looked at him. He is given me a cute little smile. "Joey...What was your little sister's name?" I asked him sudden. He stops smiling for a moment and thinks. "Anya." He says after awhile. I smile. "That's a beautiful name." He continues to look at me then finally smiles. " is."

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