Chapter 4: The Beginning of the Invasion

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 The sun rose, and the moon disappeared. The sky burst into colors of fire, but Bell still shivered at the cold... and her fear. They were at the Instinct base now, on top of the mountain. She knew that beneath them were all the Valors and Mystics, but she was still scared. Since they had flying pokemon, even if they attacked from below, they wouldn't be a great disadvantage.

"Are you ready?" Shelly asked. The only thing there, besides her friend, was Croissant.

"Yes," Bell answered shakily. The two ducked under Croissant's wings, and were hidden by the shadows. Croissant ducked its head and tail under its wings as well. Now all there was were the croissant-like wings. He looked like an actual giant croissant.

The plan went like this:

Bell and Shell deliver a giant "croissant" to the Instincts as a gift.

Bell and Shell open the gates to let the army outside lead by Quinci to attack the Instincts by surprise.

Battle rages outside while Bell and Shell find plans about the making of the wristbands.

Bell and Shell disable the wristbands.

Valor-Mystics win because Raichu's greatest weapon was disabled.

Shelly reached out her hand and knocked on the door of the Instinct base, then quickly hid back under Croissant. Raichu Human came out, and looked in surprise.

"Why is there a giant croissant here?" he asked aloud. As he looked at the "pastry", he noticed a note on it. He picked up the yellow post-it, and read aloud, "To Raichu Human: Please accept this gift and tribute to the Instincts as our surrender. -The Valors and Mystics." He was surprised, but then he smiled wickedly. Finally! Seriously, how did they not give up sooner? Plus, the croissant looked very tasty... After all, he was a Olympic gold medal baker, so he knew his stuff.

Raichu grabbed the croissant, and was happy to find that it moved easily. He pulled it inside the trapdoor, and began thinking about breakfast.

As they went inside, Bell looked at the steadily brightening sky of the rising sun, before she slipped away. They had to win. They had to win this war.

Shelly grimaced at the sight. This had been where Raichu had captured them. It brought back rather annoying memories, and she disliked it so. The place had a huge ground floor, and circling it were many stairs, elevators (reserved for Raichu), and doors. Black and yellow banners hung everywhere, the image of Zapdos on them. Shell smiled weakly, she had thought that they would be pictures of Raichu Human.

Raichu led them into an elevators, and Shelly could feel them going down. Oh, how her legs ached. Squat-walking was weird. When they got to the top floor, there was a ding, and the metal doors slid open smoothly. Raichu walked swiftly out with croissant, but Bell and Shell stayed behind.

"Sorry," Bell whispered. They could hear salamence whimper a little, but not enough for Raichu to hear. Soon, the doors shut again, and Bell fiddled with the buttons.

"I'm so worried," Shell said, as they began to rise higher. "What if we fail? Will our teams fall?"

Perhaps, Articuno said quietly, the future holds things that we will never know of in the present. So, we must act upon now, and not wait.

"I'm just hoping we don't die." Bell said. Ding. She looked up, and the doors slid open.

"Oh, take this," she said, and handed Shell a gray plastic hoop with stickers on it.

"What," she asked.

Bell replied, "It's to pretend that you're under Raichu's control! Duh. But... we might look too recognizable. After all, probably half of the Instincts saw us when we went to the temple. Plus, I installed a secret communication system in it. But only use it during emergencies."

"Hmm, good point." Shell said, "Let's swap jackets." So, now, Shelly was wearing a gray jacket with one dark stripe on each sleeve, while Bell was wearing a blue trenchcoat. They both slid on the bracelets, and tried to look like the controlled people. Walking like robot-zombies, they headed straight for Raichu's office. Well, at least they tried to.

"Ahh I can't find Raichu's office!" Bell said, reading the map they had gotten from when Shelly had swiped them from the base.

"Here," Shell said, and grabbed the paper, "let me try. You're holding it upside down, duh!" Shell analyzed the paper. They were probably on the front side, and the office was in the middle, so they had to head down the map.

"You read a map like Toph," Shelly complained.

"Hey!" Bell said, "I AM NOT BLIND!!!" Shell shrugged.

Before Bell could say anything more, Shell pointed to a staircase and said, "Okay, thataway!"

Bell and Shell raced down the steps, as quietly as possible (which wasn't easy since the stairs were metal).

They reached his office. Shell flung open the doors, and she grabbed the microphone, flipping the on switch.

"EVERYONE!" she said in her best (but still bad) Raichu impression, "GO TO THE BOTTOM FLOOR FOR.... UM... " Shell shrugged worriedly, and Bell rolled her eyes, and grabbed the microphone.

"FOR FREE CROISSANTS!" she yelled. Suddenly, the floor beneath them began to tremble. Bell grabbed into the desk in the office, while Shell grabbed the doorway. She looked out, and saw floods of yellow, red, and blue rushing down the stairs in a waterfall.

"Seriously?" Bell asked.

"Come on!" Shelly cried, "Let's signal the army already!" She grabbed Bell's hand, and they ran up the stairs.

When they reached the top, Bell kicked the trapdoor, and the two rushed out into the open air. Their feet crunched the snow. Bell handed Shell a rocket.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Shell said, but she threw the rocket high, and blue and red burst into a firework of Articuno and Moltres.

Hey! Articuno complained, My beautiful tail feathers are waaay longer.

As the last sparks disappeared into the cold air, the Valor and Mystic army appeared. Shelly threw her fist into the air, and the two armies yelled in response. They began to flood into the base, but Instincts came out as well. Pokemon flew out of pokeballs. Attacks cut through the air, along with cries of the fighting sides.

The invasion had begun.

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