Pichu's Backstory: Part 3

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"Ok," Pichu breathed, "almost there."




The steps on her phone pedometer said 10. "Hmm... I should see it about now," Pichu wondered out loud. She walked 10 more steps. The pedometer read: 0. She stopped on a gray, round stone. For a moment nothing happened. Pichu started to worry as the minute turned into seconds.

"What the-" Pichu started. Suddenly, she fell into a long, narrow hole. The hole turned into a tube, racing really fast underground. The top of the tube was decorated with pictures of a flying animal. That's odd, Pichu thought, it sorta looks like a pokemon. But everyone knows they don't exist.

When Pichu reached the bottom of the hole, she saw the man in white again.

"What," Pichu faltered looking around at the pokemon-decorated walls. "How?"

Cor saw her confuzzlement and explained to her. "When you chose Team Protego, you were given the secret message, right?" Pichu nodded. "It was a test to see if you were truly smart enough- or Mystic enough- to figure it out."

Pichu looked down at her toes. Another test.

"That voice in your heart tells you that you are part Valor," Cor continued, "and your curiosity is your Instincts. To qualify to be in Team Protego, you must be equally balanced between the teams. Understand?"

Pichu nodded slowly.

"Ah," Cor continued. "The Human family is so talented in the arts of Pokemon. Your father became leader of Instinct. Your mother is one of the top Pokemon trainers. Your brother is the heir to the Instinct throne. He almost qualified for Team Protego, but his heart was set on Instinct. Are you ready to become a true Protego now?"

Pichu paused before nodding, "Yes. I am ready."

Cor walked over to a room and held the door open, "I think it's time that you knew the world of pokemon."

"Oh! I play Pokemon Go!" Pichu exclaimed.

"No," Cor said, "Real life POKEMON!" Cor handed Pichu a pokeball. "Are you familiar with the three teams?"

"Totally," Pichu said, "My brother will NOT stop pushing me to join Team Instinct."

"What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell your brother no matter what. The fate of the whole balance and world depends on it. See, Team Protego is about the balance between the three legendaries. In the near future, someone will disrupt the balance."

"Who?" Pichu asked curiously.

"You will see soon enough. But you will have to be prepared. Open the pokeball."

Pichu glanced nervously at the button, but curiosity just got the best of her. She opened the pokeball.

"Pichu!" A small, yellow pokemon appeared out of blue sparks.

"OMG IT CAN TALK!" Pichu exclaimed.

"Uh," Cor clarified, "Actually, it's called a pichu."

"DON'T YOU DARE STEAL MY NAME!" Pichu warned pichu.

"Pichu? Pichu pichu," pichu said.

"Is this thing okay?" Pichu asked.

"Yeah, you were named after it."

"Wait, so my dad was like: Aww pichu, you're so cute I named my daughter after you," Pichu joked.

"Yep," Cor nodded, "the sad and honest truth. That is exactly what he said."

"So... pokemon exist in the world?" Pichu questioned. "That's cool. How come I never saw them?"

"They are animals to eyes of non-pokemon trainers."

"Wait a second, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY CAT?" Pichu said, terrified.

"You will see it as it's true form, a pokemon," Cor said. "Follow me, I need to show you something." Cor walked into the room, Pichu following after.

Pichu entered a room with rows upon rows of people dressed in white and purple. "Welcome Pichu Human, Team Protego," Cor commanded. All of the members started to kneel on the floor to Pichu Human. Cor did it too, after saying: "No one gets to meet the next leader of a team every other day."

"Guys," Pichu exclaimed. "Why are you all bowing to me like that? I'm a new pokemon trainer that just chose a team!"

"Yes, that is true," Cor looked up. "But you are more than that. I should have noticed the perfect balance of the teams inside of you."

"But isn't that being impure?" Pichu recalled her brother telling her that he was 99.9% Instinct and 0.1% Mystic. Which is rounded to 100% Instinct. He called himself "purest."

"Yes," Cor nodded. "You are impurest to all the other teams, but that makes you pure to this team. You are the purest Protego in all of history. Even more than me."

"Are you the," Pichu gasped, "leader of Team Protego?"

"Yes," he smiled. "Although I was a little bit more Valor than my other sides. But that still made me the purest of my generation. You, Pichu Human, are the purest Protego we ever had. So you would become the future leader."


Pichu walked home smoothly, running through the plan in her head. She would say that she went to the nearest gym and chose Instinct. She would receive an Instinct uniform and badge. No one should know about the Lost Team.

Pichu was still a little (fine, A LOT) startled by the Fourth Team, Lugia, and being heir of the Protego throne. She still didn't know why they called her Lugia sometimes. It made no sense.

"No matter what, nobody and I repeat NOBODY should hear about the Lost Team," Cor reminded.

So that was how it was supposed to be. 

The Rebellion of Instinct - Part 3: Da Epic BattleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt