Chapter 12: Pichu vs Raichu

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"He's trying to separate us! He knows that alone we can't win!" Bell whispered.

"I know," Pichu said. "But he's slipping somehow. I might have a chance." Raichu smirked, landing on the ground.

"One pokemon each," Pichu said. "If I win, you have to leave everyone alone, and you also have to die in a hole. If you win, I promise to join Instinct." Wait, Bell thought, questions suddenly pressing upon her. If Pichu's not on Instinct, then what team is she on?

Raichu smiled cruelly, and pulled out an ultra-ball. Out in sparks, burst a raichu. Pichu pulled out a pokeball, and a pichu appeared. Raichu laughed, while Pichu put on a brave face.

"Pichu! Use thunder-wave!" Pichu yelled. Her pokemon's pink cheeks sparked, and a wave of electricity exploded from it. Raichu, caught off guard, cried out, "Raichu! Dodge!" Raichu jumped upward, barely missing the wave of energy.

"Use electroball!" Raichu cried again. His pokemon wound up a ball of lightning at its tail, and shot it at pichu. The electroball collided with the small pokemon, and sparks arched across its cheeks.

"Pichuuuu!" Pichu squeaked. In a burst of energy, the pokemon released a tsunami of lightning. Pichu had taken raichu's attack and sent it back at it!

"Woah!" Bell gasped, "It's like an awesomer version of thunder wave!" The wave of lightning hit raichu, who fell on its back. But, as soon as it had fallen, it rose again.

"Use thunder punch!" Raichu commanded raichu. The pokemon ran as fast as lightning, and pichu fell to the ground, a bruise where raichu had hit it.


Bell watched the battle, silent with amazement. Everyone was staring at the fight, the struggle. Lightning electrified the air. Pichu was slowly falling under the power of Raichu. Her pichu, which was still fighting bravely, was losing power, and raichu's eyes still flashed with energy. Pichu had a 1*10^-99 chance of winning. Bell knew that soon, Pichu would succumb to Raichu's power. Then, Shell would have to fight Raichu, and she knew that while Shelly was strong, Raichu was even stronger. They needed help, they needed more power, they needed...

They needed Quinci.

Bell hit a button on her poorly made plastic wristband. It crackled to life, unheard under the blasts and booms of the battle.

"What is it?" Shelly whispered into the wristband. She strained her neck, trying to find Bell in the crowd.

"Pichu is going to lose sooner or later."

"I knew that. And yes, we need a plan. Got one?"

"Yeah. Once Pichu is defeated, distract Raichu. I'm going to find Quinci. We need more power on our side!"

"Got it."

"Thanks," Bell replied and turned off the wristband. She snuck away easily and unseen. Everyone was too engaged in the pokemon battle. After she was a safe distance away, she began to run. She jumped over small flames from the fights before, and avoided slippery areas of water and ice.

She reached the tent. The roof had been torn with a giant hole (Where did that come from? Bell thought), and there were multiple cuts and burns on other areas as well. Stepping through one of the longest cuts, she went inside the tent. Valors were huddled around a bed. Quinci was in the middle.

"She won't wake up," a Valor whispered.

"Quinci. QUINCI!" Bell screamed at Quinci. "Moltres? Moltres!"

Quinci/Moltres stirred a little bit. She opened her eyes slowly. Wh-wha...

"Moltres! We're losing! Our last hope is Pichu," Bell explained. "We need you! We need you to wake up Quinci! Please!"

Moltres got up. Valors supported her as she stumbled backwards.

I need to help Quinci, Moltres said, determined. Her eyes flashed back open, the fire returning to her eyes. But I don't know how. What do I need to do? She stood up straighter now.

"Wake up Quinci."

I've already tried that! I have lived for so long in this world, I was one of the first pokemon to emerge! And I still do not have the knowledge to revive her! She looked hopeless.

"I don't know the answer, but we still have to keep on trying."

Moltres thought about it. Well, when Raichu shot us, I felt the fire, the energy, of Quinci go out inside of me.

"Okay. That's something." Bell encouraged, "Anything else?"

Well, Moltres thought, that flame, that spirit, is still missing!

"Then you have to revive that flame! Light the fire!" Bell cried out, "You have to wake her spirit, her energy!"

So... Moltres said, We throw her in a volcano???

"No!" Bell said, "You have to find Quinci's spirit inside of you!" Moltres took a deep breath, and closed Quinci's eyes.

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