Chapter 14: The Rise of Lugia

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 Shelly and Quinci crumpled to the ground like dead bodies, hit by a bolt of lightning, deadly, and precise. Raichu had broken out of the ice with a burst of power, and with that, shot the two friends. Bell cried out in alarm, but backed away, as Raichu flew upward, eyes glinting, and encased in light.

"YOU HAVE LOST!" Raichu yelled, his voice booming over everyone like thunder, "SURRENDER NOW, OR PREPARE TO FIGHT!!!"

Pichu's thoughts raced, as she looked upon the horror of her brother. What should I do? He's right, we lost! But I can't give up! I can't give up who I am! But he's won! What's the point of fighting?

I wish there was a third option, another path I can take! Please, please, please! Oh, Team Protego! You said that I would be the leader of the team! If I am the leader, then Lugia! Please come and help me!

I am coming, a voice rang in her head, Do not be afraid. Pichu's eyes widened, and, even though she did not notice, Raichu looked at the sky, fearful, yet... excited?

The earth shook. The air, not electrified, but energized. It was not the sharp, quick energy of Zapdos, but one more pure. The smell of clean seawater. The winds of a hurricane. Everyone fell on the floor, as these mighty gusts came. And then...

The cry of Lugia.

The great pokemon emerged from a distance, but growing, so that ten seconds ago, it had been a speck of white. And now, one could see the blue details of its eyes, the white smoothness of its wings. The winds subsided, as Lugia's wings lessened its power, and it landed on the ground. Pichu was the first to speak.

"Lugia?" she walked cautiously toward the great pokemon.

Yes. Lugia replied, his voice kind. It was musical, almost, and was placid. I have come, Pichu. Pichu began to cry tears of joy and relief, and hugged the great pokemon. Lugia smiled, and nuzzled her with his great wings. The trainers around them watched in silence. Raichu was seething. Lugia looked up, and noticed his quiet anger.

Zapdos, Lugia said, I see that you have done great damage to many. Why so?

"Because you left us!" Raichu exploded, and his eyes glinted brighter than any lightning, "You abandoned us! You betrayed us! How could you? You raised us as chicks, and taught us about the world!" Bell looked at Raichu in puzzlement. He wasn't a chick, or a bird...

But why hurt so many? Ones who have done no wrong? Lugia asked again.

"Because that was the only way for you to return!" Raichu yelled, "When the teams are unbalanced, you come to restore---"

Peace. Lugia finished, Zapdos, I love you like a son. In some ways you are. And it brings me great pain to see you like this. Please, for yourself, and these people. Stop.

"Um," Bell said, and for the first time, she met eye to eye with Lugia. "Lugia, I mean no disrespect, but Raichu has Zapdos in him, but Raichu isn't actually Zapdos."

Isabell. The great pokemon smiled, and said kindly, And yes, I know your name. Since I am the bringer of peace, I can see into the hearts of people and pokemon, to know when conflict arouse in many. I can see now, in your friends, Shelly and Quinci, that Articuno is giving a little of her own arctic spirit to Shell. The same goes for Quinci, though she needs only a bit of heat.

"What do you mean?" Bell asked. She was happy to know that her friends were fine, but she still didn't understand what Lugia meant about Raichu.

I mean that, yes, Raichu is there, but his spirit is buried deep in the body. He has not spoken to anyone in a long time. He couldn't bear the grief. The person you just heard was not Raichu, but Zapdos. Lugia explained. Shock and gasps rippled through the crowd. Zapdos/Raichu, looked ready to explode. In some ways, he looked betrayed.

Zapdos, Lugia turned back to him, Leave Raichu's body alone.

"No!" Zapdos/Raichu yelled angrily, "I've come so far!"

Lugia sighed, You want to be with me, correct? Zapdos paused.

"Yes," Zapdos answered quietly, "Even if you left me... I still want revenge! I will destroy them and make them suffer and at the end, leave them the same way you left me!"

Then let's make a compromise, Lugia nodded, If you leave Raichu and stop the war, then Articuno, Moltres, and you can come with me. You three can live with me like the old times, since now you three have enough strength to assume physical form.

Zapdos looked too SHOCKED to speak, but when he did, he said, "Fine. I agree."

Then come, Lugia said. Zapdos/Raichu dropped to the ground, and like before, Raichu's body was encased with electric light. Except this time, Quinci and Shelly's unconscious forms did as well, in a fiery red, and a cold aquamarine. And then, the energy flew into the air, and light filled the sky. Shelly and Quinci began to stir, but Raichu was still unconscious. Zapdos appeared once again, with his thunderbolt wings. But now, Articuno also appeared, with her cold eyes, and tail feathers that waved in the breeze. On the other hand, Moltres glowed with warm light from her wings tipped with fire.

"Ugh," Shelly grunted, sitting up, "What just happened?" She looked up at the sky, "Ohhh. Yeah. I expected that. For me to miss the coolest thing. Dang it."

"Aw," Quinci said, looking up as well, "That probably was awweeeSOME! Oh look! Lugia!" The two turned to see the peace pokemon, who smiled at them.

The three legendaries have assumed their physical forms. Lugia explained, Now it is time for them to return home with me.

Goodbye, Articuno waved.

Byyyeee! Moltres said. Zapdos said nothing. Lugia flew up, careful to not blow anyone off the Instinct base mountain. The four turned to fly away.

"Wait!" Shelly yelled, "Will we ever see you again?"

You don't have to, Articuno said, A part of ourselves is already with you two. When you two entered the unconscious state earlier, we gave you a little part of our spirit to revive you.

"Thank you," Shelly said, and paused, "But I do hope to see you guys again."

Perhaps, Moltres said, Maybe when trouble arises again. The four flew away, and the friends, and the trainers, watched them until they disappeared.

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