Chapter 15: The Mysterious Pop Tart Disappearance

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"Hey!" someone called, "Why's everyone at my house? It's not like there was a war here or anything coz it sure looks like it." Everyone turned to look at Raichu, and Shelly prepared to freeze him to the ground. But Raichu looked so non-evil, that she hesitated.

Raichu stared at his messy home, with all the explosion craters, and fire burning. Gosh, Raichu thought, This mess is really putting my IQ off.

"Raichu..." Pichu said, "Um, there's something you really need to know... "

"What?" Raichu asked eagerly.

"You waged wa--"

"We all came here for Pop Tarts!" Bell interrupted, "Even Quinci came! And she's still recovering from your... uh... I mean her... lack of Pop Tarts!"

"Oh great! I have so many in the fridge!"

Raichu opened the fridge. "Hey! Where'd they all go?"


OR IS IT?!?!?!

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