Chapter 9: The Slowpoke Song

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Ravisu and Rudia were very bored. All they got to do was watch and do nothing. After Sticks, it was Coconut Crack, Cross Mellow Shake, and then Lemonade, which was a last resort. They decided to watch the battle going on. The mountain was dotted with red, blue, and yellow people.

"Hey Rudia," Ravisu commented, "Look! It's a giant ice block crashing down on LE!"

"That's nice," Rudia replied.

"Wait! No the ice block is going to umbreon. Ouch! It just landed on Nilla Cookie."

"Good for him."

"LE, Shell, and umbreon are now at the same place. I guess it's 1v2 now."

"You're counting skills are off," Rudia criticized.

"I mean 1v2+Shell."

"Great, oh commentator."

"Hey where did Raichu go? Off into the blue sky? Hmm... I still see his zoroark." Ravisu wondered. "You know what this is boring lets play Sticks." They played sticks for a while, but then got bored again.

"So, do you want to go catch some pokemon?"

"What type?" Ravisu said, eager to put her pokedex mind to the test.

"Wave 2: Slowpoke."

"Hey guys!" a figure in front of them said.

"Hi Bell and OMGWHOAREYOU!" Ravisu greeted.

"Uhhh... I'm Pichu." Pichu answered.

"Pi, pichu!" the pichu in her hand agreed.

Rudia whispered something into Ravisu's ear.

"Oh no..." Ravisu whispered to Cheese, "Bell is fake! And Pichu is somewhat related to Raichu! You can tell by their cool glasses! EVERYONE RUNN!!!"

"Hey guys!" Bell asked, "Where ya going?"

"Off to take a swim..." Rudia lied, and the three friends ran off onto the beach for more reasons than one.

"Hmm..." Bell said suspiciously as she looked at Pichu Human, "If you try anything... even the slightest move, keep in mind that pichu is one of the weakest pokemon in the world."

"I don't worry about that. Ever heard of the pokemon Lugia?"


Shell flew above the battlefield, assisting anyone that was on her team. But once in awhile, she hit the wrong person.

"Sorry!" Shell apologized, as a random Mystic was pinned to the ground with ice. "Oh and one more thing... has anyone seen Raichu Human?"

"No. Only Nilla was back at the tent, and not fighting the battle."

"Wait," Shell realized, "I JUST SAW NILLA. On the battlefield. ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE of the battlefield."

"That means he is the FLASH!" a Valor close to her exclaimed. "I LOVE THAT SHOW!"

"No," Shell realized, "It means one of them is an illusion."


Raichunilla was so happy about himself and his future. He would finally be able to destroy Quinci. As Raichunilla prepared for the second fall out of the sky, he hesitated.

Shell burst in, the cream white drapes of the tent fluttering like trapped butterflies. And not just the butterflies are trapped, Shelly thought as she looked around carefully, You are too Raichu. She landed on the ground, and her wings folding, and disappeared. The tent was had lots of injured, and Medhaterranean was rushing around. She finally spotted Nilla. Flying up to him, she grabbed his shirt, eyes cold.

"I know who you are! Imposter!" Shell growled.

"What?" Nilla/Raichu asked.

"What are you doing here?" Shelly demanded.

"Um..." Raichunilla lied. "I got flame-thrower-ed by a charmander and now I have a fever."

"Typical Raichu," Shell muttered, letting go of Raichu-nilla. "Making up the worst lies..."

"Look! It's your honor!" Shell exclaimed, pointing to a random place in space.

"Where?" Raichunilla asked. Seizing the moment, Shell quickly froze Raichunilla in his place. The disguise vanished, and Raichu appeared in the ice block in his true form.

"MMMH!" Medhaterranean cried through a cloth shoved in her mouth. She was tied to the wall. Shell quickly shot some ice spikes to free her.

"Ooh," Medhaterraean nodded approvingly, looking down at the rope, "This is some high quality rope."

"We have other things to worry about now," Shell said, hinting at Raichu. She unfroze him, and while he was still numb from cold, tied him to the ground with duct tape.

"Okay Medhaterranean, you need to get Quinci running up now." Shell said, "Or she might not survive."

"Raichu is esca---!!" Medhaterranean screamed. A bolt of electricity flew past Shelly, and hit the medic. She collapsed to the ground.

"How did you break out?" Shell said, turning around to see Raichu standing. The duct tape was on the ground, wrapped around his feet like a sleeping snake.

"It's duct tape. It has a special weakness. I read it in this random fanfic. called Percy K. Unjackson," Raichu explained, sneering.

"Wait," Shelly stopped. "You have a fanfic. account?"

"Yeah, duh!"

"What is it called?"

"RaichuEevee. Please follow and favorite," He opened his wings and broke open the tent roof. Riiiipppppp. Shell grinded her teeth, wanting to go after that stupid Raichu. But she stayed back down, and turned to help Medhaterranean.

"It's, It's, It's raining SLOWPOKES!" Rudia, Ravisu, and Cheese said, as they flew up on their flying pokemon.

"What the-" Raichu said. Then, he realized that they were the ones that had dropped an oversized squirtle on his face. Raichu growled, and shot up to the pokemon, using blasts of energy to power him forward.

"Defense!" Rudia shouted, "DEFENSE!" Cheese and Ravisu threw down slowpokes on Raichu Human.

"Ahh! Raichu Human panicked. Then, he realized that slowpoke were water types, and they were such bad pokemon that people even ate their tails.

Raichu made a huge shield of electricity and shot it straight up at the slowpokes and the other slowpokes, Rudia, Ravisu, and Cheese.

"Ahh!" Rudia said, "We're blasting off again!" The three friends disappeared in a flash of light.

"Hey!" Shell screamed from the ground, still aiding Medhaterranean.

"Omg!" A random girl in a Mystic outfit said, "Are you Shell? Hi. I am Akcarrot, and I am here to help. Of course, I know nothing about medicine. But yeah, go and fight Raichu. BYE!"

Shell shrugged, and left the unconscious doctor with the carrot person.  

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