Chapter 13: Quinci's Back!

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Pichu collapsed onto the ground. The battle was over. Raichu smiled wickedly as Pichu looked at her pokemon in horror. Now, all he had to do was find Quinci and Shell, and end them.

"Where are you?" Raichu called out, growing wings and flying upward. He scanned the surroundings. "You can hide forever!"

"You can't fight forever!" Shell flew as fast as a blizzard wind, and aimed an ice beam at Raichu. The attack was cold, powerful, and well-aimed. Raichu barely dodged it, and his wings frosted.

Shell's eyes danced angrily, dangerous as winter wind, cold as ice.

Zapdos, Articuno cried, her voice hollow, This is your last day of living.

Ha! Zapdos laughed, More like yours! Raichu shot a blast of lightning, making the sky thunder. Shell summoned an ice barrier, which shattered, but still protected her. She controlled the shattered ice from the barrier, and aimed at Raichu. He weaved through them like a snake, and once he was near enough to Shelly, he sent a thunder wave at her. Shell flew up, trying to avoid the attack...


Moltres found it. Quinci's spirit. It was only an ember, and was only a wisp of the fire that once burned there. The legendary plucked a little of its own energy, a small flame, and placed it on Quinci's small ember. And it began to grow, first small, but growing, growing, growing! The energy was coming back, what once had been. The flames of her spirit danced, and embers began to fly like fireflies! The breaking of weakness! The return to the energy, the life!


As Bell watched from outside Quinci, she stepped back as her friend's figure began to glow with fiery power. Moltres, (or was it Quinci?), opened her eyes, and the light died.

"Quinci?..." Bell asked.

"It's me!" Quinci smiled, a grin happier than anything she had smiled before, "I have my body back! Yes!" Bell yelped with happiness, and the two friends hugged each other.

"Quinci," Bell explained once they broke away, "Raichu is fighting with Shell! You have to help her!"

"On it!" Quinci flew out of the hole in the roof (Seriously, where had that come from? Bell thought), and to the battle.


"Finally!" Shelly cried, as Quinci flew to the fight. Shelly dodged a ball of electricity, and yelled to Quinci, "The drama queen shows up!"

"What?" Quinci asked. She aimed a swirl of embers at Raichu, which he pushed away with a gust.

"Uh, yeah!" Shell rolled her eyes, "You keep on having these dramatic moments. 'Oh no! Falling off Croissant!' then, 'Oh no! I fainted!'"

"Ugh, whatever," Quinci said, dodging a bolt of lightning. Shell rolled her eyes again, before summoning an ice barrier around Raichu, just as Quinci sent a wave of fire. Raichu laughed, as the ice melted. Shell smirked, as he was covered in water. She twisted her wrist, and the water froze on his wings.

"AAAHHHHH!" Raichu yelled, as he fell to the ground, unable to fly.

"Flying is weak against ice!" Shell yelled, "Ha!" Raichu hit the ground, and the ice shattered off of his wings. He smiled with triumph. Then, he flew upward to continue fighting, but Shelly raised her arms, and the shattered ice flew upward, like knives.

Raichu, in surprise, quickly summoned a thunder wave, which destroyed the ice. Quinci shot a fireball at Raichu, which he barely dodged. The attack hit the ground, exploding, and then setting fire to its surroundings. Mystics quickly put out the flames with ice and water type pokemon.

"You two are going to regret this!" Raichu yelled.

"I don't think we are!" Quinci said, firing a whirl of flame and embers at Raichu, which looked like a dragon. Raichu dodged the attack, and sent a bolt of lightning, which Quinci and Shelly dodged.

"Hakuu!" Quinci laughed, acknowledging her attack.

"Haku is a RIVER SPIRIT!" Shell yelled, "Watch!" She sent a swirl of ice, and snow at Raichu, one that twisted like an eastern dragon.

"Now hit it with fire!" Shell said to Quinci. Quinci summoned a ball of embers, which collided with Shelly's ice and snow. The ice and snow melted, and Shelly controlled the water to wrap around Raichu.

"That's Haku!" Shelly rolled her eyes, then froze the water again. Now Raichu was stuck in an ice prison.

"YAY HAKU!!!" Quinci cheered again.

"MMMWHHHH!" Raichu mumbled, annoyed. Shelly laughed. She set the ice prison on the ground, and she and Quinci landed on the earth as well.

"So," Quinci asked, "Did we win?"

Shelly shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, he's still alive, and we can't take away his bending...."

"STOP WITH DA AVATAR!" Quinci yelled. Shell laughed. They had finally beat Raichu! Kind of. But still, it was the first time they had scored a triumph. Her heart grew as her pride and joy inflamed.

"QUINCI! SHEL--!" Ravisu yelled. Suddenly, there was a cracking noise, like someone was shattering a thousand vases. Shelly turned around in shock, and then there was a flash. Then there was nothing.

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