Chapter 11: The Raichu Song

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"How..." Pichu gasped, "How is this happening?" Raichu was a limp body on the ground, and Zapdos, full of energy, had the perfect chance to release a discharge. After all, everyone was stunned around him. The legendary stored up energy and was about to release it when-

"It's, It's, It's raining raichu!" Rudia cried, throwing raichu onto the ground. (Shell rolled her eyes and said, "Again?") Just as Zapdos's electricity was about to hit everyone, the raichu absorbed it and released the energy to the sky. "He he he.. Woah! Zapdos!" Rudia shouted, "Everyone land outside of the blue and red circle." Hundreds of pokemon trainers from the ages of 11-14 flew down on pokemon. The rest of the school.

"Get the raichu," Ravisu said to the pokemon trainer's whose raichu were tossed off a flying pokemon.

Bell, still in sheer awe, muttered, "How did Zapdos get out of Raichu?"

"I think," Shell theorized, "That Raichu was able to master letting Zapdos out of him to help with situations like this."

"Zapdos!" Pichu said calmly, "Stand down and we won't-" The bird let out a cruel laugh.

Zapdos flew down again, and dived into Raichu. Raichu turned a blinding yellow and white, then popping right back up. "How did you like my trick?" he snarled.

"Raichu!" Pichu repeated shakily, "Stand down and we won't attack!"

Raichu and the rest of the Instincts, still surrounded by a circle with a circumference of 50 people, began to release flying pokemon out. For the rest of the group, the Instincts with no flyers, Raichu shot a zap of light towards a part of the circle. The Mystics and Valors parted away, like a mid-ocean ridge. Instincts began to run through the path, like a flood.

Shell thinking fast, froze some of the pokemon and Instincts to the ground, their feet all frosted. The only Instincts that had escaped were the ones in the sky, and Raichu.

"God, Shell," Raichu sighed, "So annoying." He shot some lightning sparks at Shell, without any display of warning. Shell suddenly unfroze all the trapped Instincts and their pokemon. With a slow wave of her had, she released a blizzard on her own teammates. They all yelped, as they were stuck to the ground. Shell's eyes had a dull look.

Bell and Ravisu, frozen in almost the same place, tried to talk some sense into Raichu Human. "Don't control Shell," Bell said, her breath visible, "Because everyone will hate you!"

"They already all do!" Raichu snickered. He waved his hand again, and Shell raised her hands slowly upward. Frost creeped up the Ravisu and Bell's faces.

"Are you trying to double Shell's evilness?" Ravisu asked, 'Because 2 times 0 is still 0! Unlike me, of course."

"Okay, that was a good one," Raichu admitted, still controlling Shell, "But if you're evil, come join Team Instinct! We have free Pop Tarts!"

"Fine." Ravisu said. Raichu smiled, and made Shell unfreeze her. The ice melted into a puddle of water.

Is he seriously going to fall for that trick again? Bell thought, and glanced at the sky, At least there is still hope a flock of pidgeys will flamethrower us out of here.

Apparently, Raichu did fall for the trick. Literally. Ravisu came up to Raichu and judo-flipped him 20 yards away, cutting of the energy line between him and Shell. Shell fell to the ground, energy already used up with ice attack, and dizzy from Raichu's control. The ice trapping her teammates evaporated into mist.

Shell shivered. She could barely feel her feet and hands, and she suddenly realized what it must be like to have prosthetic body parts. Gasping for breath, she stood up.

"I guess this is it," Bell said, pulling out her noibat, "ATTACK!"

"Wait," Pichu said, "Aren't we supposed to end this peacefully?"

"Well, you wanna go talk to your... erm sibling there?" Bell said.

"No," Pichu sighed.

"Raichu!" Bell stalled, "I challenge you to a battle!"

"We're skewed... I mean doomed, ill-fated, wrecked, condemned, hopeless, unfortunate, foreordained, shameful, and skewed," she whispered under her breath.

"Let me do this, Bell," Pichu said, "It's time I faced Raichu."

"Pichu, are your pokemon even over 500 CP?" Bell said.

"I'm the best in the school!" Pichu bragged. "And yes!"

Bell thought for a moment, before saying, "Is that because Raichu's in middle school and you're still in elementary?"

"Um. Yeah. I never beat him"

"And you never will," Raichu snarled from above.

Pichu's eyes glowed with malice. "You think you're so great? Your friends were only your friends because you forced them to!"

"Oooooh!" Ravisu cried from a few feet away. She was battling an Instinct (and winning). "Rekt!"

"And," Pichu went on, "You only got powerful because you have Zapdos inside you! You aren't really amazing or awesome because of yourself! So, I challenge you to an indra-kai!

"It's agni-kai..." Bell said, "And you're not a bender... "

"Agni is the Hindu god of fire, and Indra is the Hindu god of lightning," Pichu explained, "And I'll fight with my pokemon."

"Okay," Bell said, "We haven't have a good pokemon fight in ages."

Above, Raichu laughed again, "Fine, little sister. Let's battle."

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