Chapter 5: The Secret Code

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Raichu scurried up the stairs into his office. He knew someone had sent a signal there, and with his expert analysis, he knew that he could find out who. Raichu looked at the microphone, and saw nothing, except fingerprints and some black hair. And Ravisu, Bell, and Shell all had black hair. But before he could examine it...

"Hey!" He heard a voice from outside, "RAICHU! FIGHT MEH!!" It was Quinci, all fired up, with glowing wings and fire steaming from her hands. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIRE DUEL!!!"

"Uh, Quinci," Raichu explained, "I am electricity, not fire."

"SAME THING!" Quinci hollered, "They are both produce fire! Like sparks? Fire? Seriously?"

Raichu still looked confuzzled.

Quinci rolled her eyes. "You must have not been paying attention in science! Oh wait, you BLEW UP THE TEACHER! So are we gonna battle or what?"

Raichu sprouted wings and began to fly out the window, completely ignoring the sound of footsteps on metal as Shell and Bell made their way up to the archives.

"Bring it on!" Raichu challenged.


"Shell!" Bell whispered, "I think I found the blueprints!" She opened up a scroll.

Shell looked at the paper, "Yeah, I think this is it. Now, we just have to find a way to shut them all down."

"There is a message on it," Bell said.

"THEN READ IT!" Shell sighed.

"I can't, it's in some sort of code."

"This isn't code," Shell said, "it's messy handwriting!"

"But I have messy handwriting, and I can't read it," Bell said, and took the paper back.

"My handwriting is changes depending on my mood, and I can't read it," Shell countered.

"Oh," Bell realized, "I was reading upside-down messy handwriting." She turned the paper over. "It says: Breakdowndefensesystemofwristbandsinthebase. Thenfindamastrwrisbantodisablealloftheotheronesthereisaredbuttonthatushouldpress. Translated: Destroy wristband defense system. Then, find master wristband and press red button."

"Okay, let's go-"

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?" Someone said from in front of the archive's door.

Shell looked and saw who it is. "OMG! IT'S NEMO!"

"Ahem," Nemo corrected, "I am not Nemo anymore. I got promoted to Rank 2, Cheekypreeky."

"Cheekypreeky Nemo?" Bell laughed.

"No, it's pronounced Cheek-y PREEECK-IE."

"Whatever. Bell, stand back," Shell commanded, and motioned her hand. "I got this." She released a set of ice shards at Nemo, pinning him to the wall.

"I thought that would be harder," Shell said, "I guess Raichu doesn't have good defense."

"Uhh, Shell," Bell warned, "Look behind you." Shell turned around to see rows of Instincts, and a few blues and reds in front of her.

"Run!" Shell's eyes grew in surprise, and created an ice block. "Hop on!"


"Would you rather jump?" Shell questioned.

"Fine," Bell relented, and hopped on, "SLIPPERY -ah!"

Shell flew up with her icy wings while keeping Bell on an ice block. They flew out an open window and into the battlefield, where the two armies were fighting, and Raichu and Quinci were battling with their all.


Quinci threw a fireball at Raichu, who dodged. His black jacket was singed, however, but he didn't seem to care. Raichu summoned an electro-ball, and hurled it Quinci. She dodged, and then, at the same time, they both shot a fury of their power. Raichu sent a blast of power and electricity, while Quinci sent a swirling flame of embers. The two attacks met in the middle, and they burst into an explosion of energy and smoke. The gas began to spread, and soon, the two heirs were wrapped in thick smoke.

"Where is that stupid Raichu?" Quinci squinted, trying to catch a glimpse of him. She could hear the battle below, she could smell and taste the ash on her tongue, but she couldn't see.

Watch out! Moltres yelled, and Quinci flew upward, barely dodging a bolt of lightning.

"Ahhhh!" Quinci yelled; her body had been untouched by the strike, but her wings had. She could barely feel them; the lightning must've shocked her nerves. She began to fall through the smoke cloud, and when she breathed the open air again, she saw Raichu flying above her.


Raichu had been practicing this move over and over, and he knew he had it down. But he never tried it on actual enemies.

Raichu sucked in a breath and summoned the spark. He focused to make the zap small but powerful. He let it fly through the air, and the concentrated plasma beam hit Quinci who was falling below. If he had calculated it right, she would be zapped unconscious and he would win the battle.

Quinci's eyelids closed over her eyes, and her muscles relaxed as Bell glanced over at Quinci and screamed. Quinci's limp body was falling, falling, falling, and her hair whipped around her. None of the fighters had noticed, all too busy fighting their own battle.

"QUINCI!!!" Bell cried. As Quinci was falling, Moltres's thoughts were flying, falling, soaring, dying.

I have to save her! The legendary spirit realized, Or it will be the end of both of us!

The ground was nearing, the pokemon, the people, were growing larger.

Finally, with a burst of will, Moltres spread her wings and soared upward. She felt faint. She never took full control of Quinci before. Well, then again, she never tried to. Moltres fought her dizziness, and flew higher and higher until she reached Bell and Shell. Above, Zapdos was speaking with Raichu.

Moltres gained power... Zapdos whispered. She can now take control of Quinci's full body, if Quinci doesn't fight back. It is a very hard art to master. So to knock them both unconscious, you must use two zaps.

"Seriously? Two falls out of the sky?" Raichu argued. "They would be ready for that. We would only have a 11.4385334567890987654305% chance of capturing her."

Then you have no choice...

"ARGH!" Raichu cried and just floated there for a moment in the sky, as his thoughts began to whir. 

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