The Accords

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Please read A/N at the bottom

Current year - 2016 - Sokovian accords published. Timeline 1 / 2

Location: Cardiff - British Army Base

"Are you sure about this General?" Colonel Jones asked as he and General Watts walked down the grey and green halls of their army base in Cardiff.

"I'm sure." General Watts replied confidently. Suddenly Jones grabbed his upper arm causing Watts to look at him in the eyes with a concerned yet angered look.

"You know what will happen if he finds out about her. He'll-"

"Lock her up." Watts sighed "I know. We can't risk it. HYDRA will go after her if they find out."

"Ross won't be happy with this..." Jones replied sternly raising his eyebrows looking his General straight in the eye.

"No one really likes that bastard here and neither do I! She's special. She's also not the only one." Watts replied, his voice rising ever so slightly in the quiet halls making the Colonel flinch.

"After this conference, get in contact with Brian Braddock. We'll need him." Watts ordered.

"Yes sir!" Jones replied saluting his general before heading in the opposite direction from him.

General Watts' boots colliding with the floor were the only thing he could here walking down the halls he'd spent most of his life in. He paused for a moment. He knew the consequences of lying to a Secretary of State - especially in these circumstances but he wasn't ready to let her go. Not yet.


"I would now like to invite General Watts to the podium." The announcers voice echoed through the silent hall. Watts slowly stood from his chair in the front row. He could feel his hands beginning to sweat more than they were seconds before. He was nervous. But not as nervous as the worrying cadet in the back of the room.

Rebeca Newsom. Her hands shakily rested on the sides of her legs as her wavy dark blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and rested around three inches below them. Her army uniform's green matched everyone else's in the room but her grey blue eyes kept looking straight forward knowing that today could be her last day of freedom.

Rebeca watched her father figure walk up the steps towards the podium. She could tell he was sweating. The next few sentences coming out of his mouth may just conclude if he really was on her side.

He was the first person after her brother she'd told about her powers. No one knew how it happened, not even Rebeca herself. One day she just found out and POOF! Everything slowly began to roll downhill. Her mother's disappearance, then her brothers death...

Loads had changed in her life. This could be another one of these moments.

Every other cadet felt nervous as the conference carried on. Talking was forbidden during conferences and many had been in big trouble for even whispering.

What was happening in America to cause this? A Civil War. Hero against hero - friend against friend. If you asked Rebeca , the entire case on James Buchanan Barnes is a bit sketchy to her. But it's HYDRA and politics. She may work alongside the government but she sure don't understand it very much. She already had enough of Brexit. Just leave Britain out of this she said - but noo!

As general Watts reached the podium he made eye contact with Rebeca who even though was standing in the back of the hall was pretty easy to notice. He felt another drop of sweat slowly make its way down his forehead as he cleared his throat.

Secretary Ross began to question many things including his opinion on the accords that sadly Britain confirmed they were with the UN.

During the entire questionnaire Ross had written Watts had kept a straight face. Telling the truth with little white lies here and there.

"General Watts, do you have enhanced beings in your base?" There's the question both Watts and Rebeca had been nervous about. All of their trust between each other came to this one question.

"You have heard the consequences of lying to us about this." Watts knew the consequences. So did Rebeca.

"I won't ask for a third time General." Watts' hands began to shake ever so slightly as all eyes were on him. He knew that more than anyone Rebeca was looking at him. He was just nervous as Rebeca.

"Do you have enhanced beings within your base General?"

This was the moment that they'd both been waiting for. This could be her last few seconds of freedom.

Watts hesitated.

"General?" Ross asked, no more patience written in his voice.

He looked Rebeca straight in the eyes with a sympathetic look. She knew right then and there he was going to tell the truth. She was going to be locked up-

"No." Watts replied confidently. Rebeca felt tears in her eyes. They threatened to fall. She wasn't gonna let that happen. He wasn't going to have her locked up.

"General, are you positive?" General Ross asked wanting confirmation.

"Positive Mr. Secretary." Watts once again confirmed with a slight smirk moving his eyes from Rebeca to Ross.

"One hundred percent sure."

From here on out the story will be played as a second Timeline not knowing what happens in Avengers 4 (for obvious reasons). When Avengers 4 does get released it will not change the way the story does play out or character deaths.

Chapter lengths will vary

There is bad language used throughout the story

Sam Amigo 💙

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