An Unexpected Visitor

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4 years later. (2020)

Location: London - Kings Cross

As Sir Brian Braddock walked down the streets of London with wife Meggan they were looking out for trouble. HYDRA agents had been reported to have been seen in London possibly gaining information on anyone in their way.

Brian Braddock was more or less on their kill list but not as high as the Avengers. The Avengers (mainly Captain America) were a big problem when it came to HYDRA wanting to change the world.

Although Captain America and many Avengers - old or new - had sacrificed their lives in order to save the universe against Thanos many heroes worldwide lurked in the shadows.

Brian was one until now. He started to kick butt alongside his wife, Meggan, and his good friend - MI13 director Peter Wisdom.

People across Britain began calling him Captain Britain. He became Britain's hope against evil. He'd like to keep it that way.

"Honey?" Meggan suddenly asked.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked back as we walked through the doors a local Costa Coffee.

"When are you going to ask her to join the team. She'd be a great asset against you know who." She answered slightly quieter so no one could here the last past. It was clear who Meggan was talking about. A commander of HYDRA - apart of Baron Strucker's experiments on Loki's sceptre. Enhanced experiments to be specific.

They both knew this 'asset' had or did have files on the experimentations used on people including the Maximoff twins: Pietro and Wanda. But they weren't the only ones who survived the experiments.

According to files only the twins were used in battle and the only ones to have survived the experiments placed upon them. But they weren't.

One more survived. Had their memory wipes so they couldn't remember what had happened. They made sure of it.

She was thirteen when she became an enhanced.

"I'm gonna make a call." Brian said a smirk on his face. It was time.


Location: Cardiff - British Army Base

Rebeca sat on the grass hill staring out at the sunset in front of her. Her headphones playing 'Hooked on a Feeling' by Blue Swede, 1973. People said she was too old-school and should listen to more 21st century music but this was her favourite tune from her childhood. When everything was right. When all her family were together. She knew every lyric.

She slowly laid down on the grass music still playing softly in her ears as she stared up into the night sky. Silent and peaceful. If you'd asked her two years ago everything was chaos.

Not many remember what happened, but time was changed two years ago. Thanos clicked his fingers. She'd seen it all, she'd remembered the lives lost. Which were then given back as if nothing happened. But we lost heroes. She knew who'd died on Titan. On Earth. Her subconscious told her, showed her in her dreams. She'd also seen the changes. But she was shown that only a couple months ago. She may be living in the Timeline the Avengers created but she's seen the first.

She knew she'd need to step up. When was that going to happen. She had know idea.

As she continued to stare at the stars she was unaware of the man in red, white and blue in front of her.

Rebeca jumped and looked up at the mysterious man in front of her as he cleared his throat.

"C- Captain Britain!" She stated surprised. She mentally slapped herself. She just stuttered in front of Britain's hope! 'Get it together Rebeca' she thought. As she slowly sat up still stunned he said,

 [1] Captain Britain, Myth or LegendWhere stories live. Discover now