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Location: Cardiff Central

Pete Wisdom panicked slightly as he thought of the possible outcomes if HYDRA succeeded successfully in this possible plan. He turned a corner on the streets of Cardiff sliding a hand through in his slightly greasy black hair as he thought. The two women behind him panicking also. But Rebeca was still processing the fact that her own father was involved. Constantly being hit with the multiple bags that Meggan was holding in her two hands Rebeca picked up the pace to catch up to Pete.

"What are we going to do? He didn't answer the phone." Rebeca asked fear laced in her voice. As a rush of people parted to let the two through. Two words: Rush hour.

"Hyde Park." Were the only words that left his mouth.

"Huh?" Rebeca replied completely confused.

"Hyde Park." He repeated. Rebeca raised an eyebrow. As the two crossed the busy street, Meggan slightly behind with her bags, they came across a black SUV. The three stopped beside it as it was parked beside the pavement.

"I've asked a friend to meet us there." Pete explained as the back door of the SUV opened.

"Not Brian I'm guessing?" Rebeca asked turning to face him looking up giving him any sign of enthusiasm.

"Yep." He answered simply.

"Who is it then?" Pete paused before answering the question with a set of words that Rebeca thought made completely no sense.

"A school teacher."


Location: London - Hyde Park


Rebeca rubbed her arms as they walked through the entrance of Hyde Park as a chilly breeze hit them. She looked ahead to see the wonderful scenery which unfortunately was covered by the shadows of the night above.

The noises of the bustling night streets of London slowly began to fade away as they made their way through the park.

Upon reaching the lake they saw a lone figure. A woman. She wore black ripped jeans and a zipped royal blue leather jacket. Her black boots reaching her knees. Although it was not to clear at this time of day Rebeca could see the woman bleach blonde hair waving in the breeze. She turned to face us.

Pete casually walked up towards her and they both met in the middle shaking hands. Rebeca stayed back, Meggan beside her.

"Good to see you Wisdom." The woman greeted.

"Likewise Kelsey." Pete responded. "You got my message then - anything changed?" Pete asked letting her hand go.

"Yes. Got more security. Told some of my friends to. You may need them." The woman apparently called Kelsey informed. Pete nodded before turning to us.

"Kelsey this is Rebeca Newsom." Meggan introduced. Kelsey smiled before walking up to the two.

"This is quite a big challenge. I-" Kelsey told Rebeca. She paused immediately. "I'm sorry about what you've been through..." Rebeca looked at her feet interlocking her fingers. She looked towards Meggan as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"The quicker he's locked up the better..." Meggan told her.

"For everyone.." Kelsey concluded.

"Words on Coulson?" Pete suddenly asked Kelsey. She turned back to face him.

"Yes. He said he has agents around on watch. He already had some attending the occasion." She answered placing a hand on her hip.

"Good. We'll need them." He told her. Rebeca suddenly heard her phone ringing. Everyone turned to face her and her face immediately flushed.

"Imma... go... answer this..." she awkwardly told the three. Rebeca immediately turned and started to walk away in order to have some privacy. She looked at the caller ID.

Brian Braddock.

She immediately answered. Before he could say hi she shouted out,

"Where the heck are you?!"

"Figuring things out. I need you in London-"

"Beat you to it. You wouldn't answer your damn phone! We called in some help.." Rebeca interrupted throwing her arms in the air.

"Before I explain anything else... Your father-"

"I know. He's involved I know.."

"Pete told you quick... Do you have anymore details on his plan?"

"We do. Kings birthday... in short we need the sword..."

"We'll meet up tomorrow. Then head to Snowdon."

"Snowdon?" Rebeca questioned.

"That's where the sword is. We go there tomorrow."

"Got it. Where do we meet?"

"London Bridge."

"Okay... I'll see you then."

"Bye Rebeca." Brian told her before hanging up. She walked back towards the rest who were most likely catching up.

"Yeah, me and Kitty are doing well... oh Rebeca was that Brian?" Brian asked as he acknowledged my presence first.

"Yes. We're heading to Snowdon tomorrow." Rebeca informed.

"Snowdon?" Kelsey questioned.

"Excalibur." Pete told her crossing his arms. All Kelsey could do was place both hands on her hips before sighing.

"Zemo?" She guessed. Meggan nodded in her direction.

"Should we call in anyone else...?" Kelsey suggested obviously referring to the Avengers.

"No... at least not yet.." Pete told her.

"Brian should be getting a plan sorted but it might not go the way he wants it to." Meggan told them.

"Always gotta have a plan B" Rebeca agreed pointing a finger towards Meggan.

"Thanks for the assist Kelsey..." Pete told her.

"You know I have your back Wisdom." She replied turning to head off probably back to her job.

Meggan and Rebeca stood a good a meters behind Pete or 'Wisdom' as Kelsey called him as she had earlier learnt it was his surname.

"Who is she really?" Rebeca asked knowing there was more to this Kelsey than meets the eye.

"Lionheart." Was all Meggan replies as a response still looking towards Pete.

"Oohhh..." Rebeca said in reply. 'One hero after the next' she thought as she looked at Britain's first heroine disappearing in the distance.

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