Nightmares Always Come Back

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Location: London - London Bridge


Rebeca looked towards the river in front of her as the three waited for Brian to arrive. Meggan's patience was slowly thinning out and Pete worrying more by the minute that Zemo has more plans up his sleeve without any chance of MI6 finding out. Placing her arms crossed on the railing Rebeca sighed. She knew there was a chance of her not making out of this alive but if she were to go out - she'd definitely prefer to go out with a bang.

"When is he getting here!" Meggan complained throwing her arms about.

"He's only two minutes late Meggan. He text me this morning. 10:30. Could be traffic." Rebeca informed the inpatient woman keeping her eyes fixed on the river and the view of London.

"That's it!" Meggan suddenly blurted causing both Rebeca and Pete to jump "I'm gonna go on a walk. Let me know when her gets here..." She concluded. Rebeca could hear her heels get faded out by the traffic the the many people crossing the bridge as she walked away. Rebeca was so fixed on the scenery she didn't notice Pete informing her of a call he had to take in private. Rebeca was so fixed on the scenery she didn't notice the one person she never wanted to see again beside her.

"You know. Rebeca when I thought we'd meet again I never thought it would be like this..." Her father told her clasping his hands together. She turned slowly to face him she instantly froze at the thought of him being apart of HYDRA. Her brain wanted to kick his butt so bad for doing what he did but her body wouldn't move. Fear filled Rebeca's eyes as she tried to step away. Run even, but he grabbed her shoulder. She looked in fear towards his signature shades which covered his eyes as she winced at the pain of him grabbing her shoulder.

"There's no way you are going to get out of this without at least one punch from me." Rebeca told him attempting to act confident but the fear in her voice tore it away. Hand still clasped on her shoulder Andrew Newsom squeezed slightly more.

"Trust me you'll meet your demise before you do that daughter." Andrew told her anger laced in his voice. Rebeca's eyes grew wide at the thought.

None of the people around them seemed to take any notice of what was happening into account. No one stepping in.

"I'm afraid I can't do so now..." Andrew informed looking at the passing crowds of people. "Not here. But you know where I'll be..." he concluded before shoving her towards the railing. Rebeca gasped at his actions and grabbed the railing for support.

Turning to face her father she looked towards a familiar face.

Brian Braddock.

Her father - Nowhere to be seen.

Rebeca searched the crowd still in fear and shock over what just happened. Brian's eyes now full of concern asked.

"Rebeca? Are you alright? You look as if you'd seen a ghost.." Rebeca looked towards him fear still filled her eyes tears now threatening to fall.

"I wish he was a ghost that's for sure..." she muttered. Rebeca immediately got ahold of Brian and hugged him - in which Brian gladly returned. Still concerned he asked her.

"Who was it? Who'd you see?"

Anger filled Brian eyes as he heard her next words...

"My father." She muttered into his chest.


Location: London - Starbucks

Brian was currently explaining his plan in the corner table of a nearby Starbucks. All four (well.... three when you think about it) heroes were gathered around it listening to his plan on gaining Excalibur. The plan had some possible faults if one certain thing didn't happen. Excalibur leaving the stone itself.

According to the information Brian had gathered when he was (and Rebeca quoted this) 'figuring things out' like Thor's hammer on the ones worthy we're capable of holding it in their hands.

If Rebeca was listening she'd probably think Brian would be capable of wielding it (being Britain's biggest hope / hero and all) but she wasn't listening. Still shook from her encounter with a nightmare she'd tried to keep hidden, under wraps was back in her life. Nothing she could do about it. Rebeca stared at her cup of hot chocolate cupping it with her hands as the scenario kept on replaying in her head. Brian and Rebeca  both had a quite intense conversation afterwards Brian being Brian. He'd comforted her. She was grateful for that.

"Trust me you'll meet your demise before you do that daughter."

Daughter. Huh... he was no father of hers. Not anymore.

She was shaken from her thoughts as a large hand gripped her shoulder. She hadn't realised the tear that had slipped slowly down her cheek as she thought.

As she looked up she saw the concerned baby blue eyes that belonged to Pete Wisdom.

"I hate to bring up but-" Pete started before Rebeca cut in.

"My father." She paused. "He's after me... Just like everyone else I loved.." she muttered the last bit quieter as she gripped her mug tighter. Unfortunately all three were able to hear what she said.

"Rebeca... what do you mean...?" Meggan questioned placing her iced tea back on the table.

"Do any of you remember the death of Colonel Kyle Newsom?" Rebeca asked keeping her eyes on her mug. Brian, Meggan and Pete exchanged worried glances. Although no one said anything Rebeca told them what happened. She needed to tell someone. This bunch of Brits might be an exception.

"Kyle came home one night. Bartered slightly. Tough day at work I thought. I'd made the two of us dinner but he wasn't interested.

I had carried on as usual: plates, knives and forks on the table... pasta boiling and so on.

Out of the blue he'd walked into the room. His face scared. He tried to hide it but I could tell he was scared.

He'd told me he'd be killed in a matter of weeks and needed me to know.

Gave me a USB with the SHIELD symbol on it. Told me he was secretly working for Nick Fury. He asked me to give it to him.

My details on my experiments. Plans for the future.

My fathers real job..." Rebeca paused drawing in a long breath.

"He concluded our conversation with the words he told me every time he left for 'work'. Then that's when it happened.

One swift pull of the trigger and he was dead in the floor.

Bullet through the back of his skull. No bringing him back." Rebeca paused once more before giving a fake smile.

"Do you want to know who did it. Who pulled the trigger.?"

All three weren't eager to hear the ending of this horrible experience she had face with her own eyes but they all knew they'd hear it one day.

A silent tear rolled down her cheek.

"My own bloody father. Killed his own son."

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