The Sword of Excalibur

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Location: Cardiff - British Army base

Rebeca was completely confused.

"Excali- what did you say?"

Brian sighed rubbing his temple.

"Excalibur is a sword of which was given to King Arthur many centuries ago. Only those who are worthy can wield it." He explained

"That's just a myth! It's not real!" Rebeca laughed throwing her arms in the air.

"It sure is." Brian told her. Rebeca got out of her chair and walked up to Brian completely ignoring her generals presence.

"Just like Thor's hammer? Whoever's worthy shall haveth the power typa thing?" Rebeca questioned. Brian nodded. Rebeca stared at Brian in disbelief.

Rebeca suddenly put a hand on her forehead.

"I'm gonna take a breather..." That's all Rebeca said before almost running out of the room.


Location: Somewhere in London

In a secluded warehouse two HYDRA officers waltzed through the doors hands on their guns. They were both dressed in black from head to toe. The only other colour was the HYDRA symbol - an octopus - sewn on both shoulders in blood red. One with a helmet and one without. The one without had a pair of black shades which covered his hazel eyes and brown spiky hair.

They walked cautiously towards a wall, a grey slightly out of colour box plastered onto it. The one without a helmet nodded towards the other and he immediately turned and raised his gun, loaded and ready to fire. Anyone comes in they're gonna get shot.

As one kept a look out the one in shades typed in a code which split the wall in half. Making sure the coast was clear they both made they're way down the dark, dusty halls a not so welcoming light comes into view. The two HYDRA agents look at each other before nodding. They turn a corner to be met by a tall man. He wore a black trench coat, grey shirt along with black combat trousers and boots. The shadows in the room covered the majority of his facial features.

He turned to the agents, a sly smile on his face.

"Have you found it?" He asked, his voice rough.

"Yes. It's located in a forest - Snowdon near Bangor Baron." The agent in shades answered.

"Any sign of Captain Britain?" He asked grabbing his own wrist with his hand.

"None. But I don't think it'll be long till he gathers a team." The guy in the helmet answered this time.

"Any sign of her possible acquaintance between her and Braddock?" The one in the trench coat asked.

"My daughter has not been seen with him or his wife. Acquaintance is likely but she's not the one to worry about I can guarantee you Baron Zemo." The one in shades replied confidently.

"I hope your right agent..." Baron Zemo said as he walked slowly towards the two. "Your attack is taking place in couple days correct?" Zemo then asked placing a hand on the agents shoulder.

"That is correct Sir. My daughter is attending on behalf of her base according to inside forces. Braddock will also be attending as Captain Britain." The agent informed.

"Will Meggan be attending?" Zemo asked mischief written in his voice.

"Yes sir." Baron Zemo laugh echoed through the room.

"Great..." He smiled. "I hoped I had an invite to meet his majesty. Might just get to see your precious betrayer in action Newsom." Zemo enthusiastically said clasping his hands together.

"We shall see each other soon then Baron. Until then..." Agent Newsom concludes.

"...Hail Hydra."

Sorry this ones short. I wrote this book before hand so some might be long or short like I mentioned somewhere before.

Sam Amigo 💙

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