Training, Coffee, Sleep, Repeat

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Location: Cardiff - British Army base

Thoughts plagued Rebeca's mind as she punched the punching bag. Pain was felt all over her hands but she didn't care. She thought of her brother, her mother... her father. She hated just the mention of him.

She kept punching and punching...

"Rebeca! You have to listen to me!"

Thoughts of what her brother had told her ruined what she thought real.

His hand snuck into his pocket and pulled out a USB.

She punched harder.

"What's on the drive Kyle?"

She kept punching. Tears beginning to form.

"All of fathers secrets. Every last one."

"What do you mean secrets?!" Kyle stepped closer to his sister drive in hand.

"They'll kill me soon. Father will have me killed."

"What! Why?!"

"There's not enough time to explain! Rebeca, everything you need to know is on there."

"What do you mean 'everything'?"

"You're... you're an enhanced Rebeca!"

She felt a single tear fall

"A what?! Oh my goodness..."

Tears began to fall down her cheeks more as she kept on punching.

"Get this to the Triskelion. SHIELD headquarters. Get it to Nick Fury." Kyle told me placing the drive in my hand. "I love you Rebeca.."


Rebeca's fist met the poor punching bag for the last time as it flew off the hook.

Rebeca screamed as her beloved brother collapsed on the floor.

She took heavy and shaky breathes as she stared at the sight in front of her.

A bullet wound straight through the back of his head.

Rebeca fell to her knees as she began to silently sob over her deceased brother.


Location: Cardiff Bay


Brian Braddock walked inside a local coffee shop a sleek black leather jacket with a white t-shirt and light blue jeans before he sat at his assigned table.

Within minutes of his arrival another man waltzed in. Brian looked up from the menu and looked at the man. He had dark hair and green eyes. He was saying something at the waitress before pointing towards Brian. Brian smiles as he recognises his best friend and director of MI-13 Peter Wisdom.

Pete walks up to his former MI13 partner and smiles.

"Hey bud! How's everything?" Pete asked as they shook hands.

"Alright... a few problems lately..." Brian replied honestly.

"Please don't tell me you and Meg broke up! You know how much I love her chocolate chip cookies!" Pete whined.

"No. It's Zemo.." Brian replied quiet enough for only Pete to hear.

"What is it he wants this time. It can't be that bad ca-"

"Excalibur." Brian interrupted. Pete looked absolutely shook by the one word he just said. He blinked twice.

"Excalibur?" Pete asked just to make he heard correctly.


"Shit..." Pete muttered. "Should I suit up?" Pete offered.

"Just keep your phone on you."

Peter narrowed his eyes at Brian cocking his head slightly as Brian looked back at the menu.

"You finally called her didn't you...?" Pete asked the pitch of his voice rising.

"I did." Brian replied casually not taking his eyes off the menu. Peter licked his lips before asking.

"Did you tell her about her father?"

Brian said nothing as he scanned the coffee shops lunch deals. Pete huffed.

"You didn't tell her. Ugh! Brian c'mon dude!"

Brian kept looking at the menu avoiding the topic. Peter leaned across the table slightly before snatching the menu off him.

"Brian. Listen to me... she needs to know about his involvement in this. At least tell me when you are actually going to tell her?" Pete replied looking Brian straight in his eyes seriousness taking over.

"I'm not going to Pete." Brian told him with gritted teeth.

"I seriously can't believe you right now..." Peter muttered placing an elbow on the table before resting his forehead in his hand. "Brian you need to step up!" A long pause followed. "I'm doing it then." Pete concluded before walking out.

Brian looked up as he walked out of the door. A waitress walked up to where he was sitting.

"Mr. Braddock your coffee is ready." She informed passing the takeaway to him.

"Thank you." He replied with a sweet smile before grabbing the coffee and walking out himself.

Sam Amigo 💙

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