You Know Where I'll Be

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Location: London - Double Tree - Hilton Hotel

"Okay, we all know the plan. I know you two have the best bit and me and Rebeca have to deal with the shitty stuff but there we go..." Pete called out as he and Rebeca exited the black SUV by the closest Hilton where the two would be staying at. Going to a royal birthday celebration is quite a big deal. Global guests, royalty the whole shabang.

"Ha ha!" Brian called back at Pete as he and Meghan stayed seated ready for their journey to Snowdon to return Excalibur and save the day. "Well you get to stay with royalty. Rebeca, your first encounter with royals. Please  at least pretend to enjoy it!" He advises Rebeca who gave a chuckle in return.

"Please at least try to not get killed!" Rebeca yelled back at Brian mocking (attempting) his British accent which caused Meggan to burst out in laughter and told her.

"We'll try our best!" She says as the doors of the SUV close.

"You really like his accent don't you..." Pete stated as the car sped off.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p' on the process. "I really do.."

Although Rebeca was having a good time she couldn't keep her mind off one sentence...

"You know where I'll be..."

Those words were wedged at the back of her mind but still there... Rebeca had been thinking a lot but still couldn't figure it out. She'd probably jinx herself though if she were to say he wouldn't be at the royal party. But she could be wrong.

As the two walked through the doors Rebeca's gaze suddenly stopped at a young man badge. The Avengers symbol... being sneaky was something Rebeca was kind of capable of but was noticed. Seemed like a normal guy. Fluffy chocolate hair a nicely tailored suit and shiny shoes. Not his normal outfit by the look of his face. Didn't seem like the type of guy to be sociable but did notice his sociable associate.

Colonel James Rhodes.

She hadn't seen him since he first met Brian. Gosh that seemed like years ago.

"Pete. I'm gonna go say hi to Rhodey real quick..." she told Pete slowly turning to walk away. Pete just shrugged his shoulders as she walked towards him not even knowing this 'Rhodey' guy but he didn't mind.

"Hey Rhodey!" Rebeca waved towards him and the mysterious guy who she'd seen seconds before. The two turned to face her Rhodey immediately smiled and waved back. The other guy though seemed uncomfortable. Maybe even nervous but gave a warm smile.

"Been awhile Newsom..." he commented.

"Likewise." She replied. Although she didn't know the mysterious guy was quite surprised to see a friend of Rhodey's conveniently here but didn't question it as Rebeca now had her army uniform on for recognition reasons. Rhodey turned to face the chocolate haired man before introducing.

"Peter, this is Captain Rebeca Newsom. Bec, this is Peter Parker, works alongside the Avengers. Before that apart of the Stark internship." He informed. Rebeca stuck her hand out to shake his as she normally would in this situation. Peter 2.0 hesitantly took it and shook.

"Firm grip. You sure he's not an Avenger?" Rebeca questioned after letting his hand go. Peter immediately scratched his neck. Her eyes slid to Rhodey who turned away. She scanned Peter slowly to guess a possible choice.

"Spider-man?" She guesses quietly. Peter nodded. "Nice! Nice to meet you even more Parker." Rebeca complemented clasping a hand on his shoulder causing Peters face to flush. Guessing was kind of a super power of hers... even though there were actual powers within her.

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