The Legend of Excalibur

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Screams filled the room as the explosive went off. Everyone crouched and stood as far away as possible from it. William had crouched over Kate so he would take the most damage. Peter had panicked even more when Rebeca pushed him behind her, he put his arm in front of his eyes to block the brightness of the blast knowing he would probably be killed for the second time officially. But everyone had the same amount of damage to them.


Peter was the first to find out. He'd removed his hand from his face to Rebeca's arms outstretched in front of her. She had some sort of yellow hue escaping her hands as they made a barrier. The blast hit the edges of it. Smoke and fire battling to get through. It reminded him a lot of fellow Avenger Wanda Maximoff.

Rebeca was struggling as it was being used in reality on a mission for the first time but she did it. Rebeca's eyes were fully shut during it and were now slowly opening them. They were now some sort of yellow that everyone would notice except Rebeca.

"R- Rebeca..." Peter suddenly spoke up catching the audiences attention. They all turned to face the force field protecting them before looking at British Army Officer Captain Rebeca Newsom. Their saviour. An enhanced.

Everyone was in shock at the sight and so happy that they lived for another day but they knew it wouldn't be over.

The side doors that were locked at the beginning were now open. Paramedics and security came in to make sure that everyone was alright. They did get as many guests out as possible but as the smoke cleared as did some of the flames everyone who was still in the room now noticed the gaping hole in the wall in front of them as Rebeca's yellow barrier began to fade.

Rebeca's secret would be out for sure no there was no doubt about it. Rebeca removed the barrier and wobbled slightly but the two men: Peter and Pete took ahold of her shoulders before she could fall.

"Are you alright Rebeca ?" Peter asked suddenly his voice laced in panic. All Rebeca could do was nod in response. She was just as panicked as anyone else in the room.

Almost every guest and royalty had left the room before a figure entered the doorway. Rebeca turned slowly squinting her eyes before widening them in panic.

The only thing she then thought of was the letter:

You know where I'll be
                          Love Dad x

This is where he'd be, and there he was. But it wasn't him. A laugh escaped his lips as he clapped walking over the rubble.

"Baron Zemo..." Rebeca muttered gritting her teeth. Peter and Pete turned to face the man behind the plan Pete clenched his fists whilst Peter got to look around for a weapon other than his webs as he didn't want the world to know his own secret. His eyes got ahold of many possible weapons but none he could use for the first time without getting hurt.

"Isn't this wonderful." Zemo began and evil yet cheerful tone filled his ears. "Your father was right Rebeca you are quite a special girl. HYDRA was very proud of this Rebeca Newsom. One of three survivors of Struckers experiments. Your father being one of the scientists behind the plan. Wonderful!

If I'm completely honest it was a shame you didn't die. Would've caused us so little trouble." Peter stood there eyeing Rebeca watching a sudden tear roll down her cheek.

A whimper caught Pete's attention to notice Kate and William held at gunpoint by HYDRA agents. He counted three agents present.

Rebeca started to walk back realising the situation before suddenly turning to use her telekinesis to shove the agents out of the way. Rebeca was still confused why more agents weren't in here. Possibly taken out. But that wasn't the main issue.

Rebeca shoved the three of the agents against the wall but only one remained conscious.

"Pete!" She shouted as Pete cocked his gun. He pressed down on the earpiece in his ear.

"Agents, Zemo is in the building. Need agents to escort his William and his wife to safety!" He yelled.  A muffled response entered his ears as two more agents entered the room and immediately escorted the out towards the west wing.

Rebeca stepped further back towards the podium when Zemo lunged at her revealing a sword. 'Excalibur no it can't be!' Her mind screamed as he got closer. But before she could use her telekinesis to stop him a clang filled the room. Peter Parker had stopped the sword with his own.

She would've questioned him on it wondering why he didn't use his webs but knowing his identity was fully known to the world it was understandable.

Rebeca went to check on the agents to make sure they were 1) HYDRA 2) they were all unconscious and 3) none of them were her father.

2 and 3 didn't go to plan.

Rebeca immediately noticed the absence of one agent and searched the room before looking down the hall of the east wing to see the missing agent. Her father. Rebeca knew it was him and immediately chased after him.

The two ran down several hallways chasing. Her father was quite far ahead but them at made Rebeca go faster. They ran until he was out of sight as Rebeca got outside out of breath she could hear herself panting.

"I should run more. Definitely taking up morning jogs if I'm alive.." Rebeca told herself quietly placing a hand on her hip searching her surroundings for her father.

She searched there for a while before going to jog back inside to tell them he'd escaped before hearing a gun load too quick for her to even react before it fired.

"Shit..." she muttered before collapsing on the floor.

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