Mid-credits Scene - HYDRA's no.1

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Location: Berlin, Germany

A HYDRA agent searched the outside of his base in search of trespassers. A ship had crashed nearby and a life sign was shown. He walked cautiously through the woods as his team back at base kept on communication.

"Any sign of the ship?" Someone asked from the other end.

"No sir. But smoke is being visible. Nearby could be far with this wind." The agent replied stepping towards the danger. He stopped upon seeing the ship and a figure just standing there. "Sir?" He asked slightly nervous.

"What is it?"

"The ship is located. You should have my coordinates but there's someone there..." The agent replied pointing his gun towards the figure.

"Take him in. You die. Walk it off. Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra."

"Well..." the figure chirped. "It's been a while since I've heard that." The figure moved towards the agent revealing the man. An orange glow emiting from his hand.

"Holy shit..." he whispered to himself. "Welcome home Sir! Hail Hydra." He exclaimed lowering his gun.

As the man approached the agent he couldn't quite believe who was beside him but Red Skull himself.

Rebeca Newsom will return...

End of part one...

That's end of book one ladies and gentlemen

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That's end of book one ladies and gentlemen. If it's crap don't worry you coped. I will admit I am constantly trying to improve my writing skills as I move along with this book series.

Any fandom suggestions for a story leave in the comments.

A Brits farewell,

Sam Amigo 💙

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