A Nightmare Relived

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Location: London, Buckingham Palace

Peter's sword clanged against Zemo's as Peter was pushed further towards the back of the room. Zemo twisted his sword as they both clanged once more and it sent Peter's sword to the left side of the room. Pete's mouth fell open in shock at his actions. How he didn't lose the sword earlier he didn't know.

Pete hearing the sword meet the floor realised the situation as he turned away from the now tied up agents. Pete loaded his own gun about to shoot when cheers filled the air from the outside. They all pulled confused faces before two figures landed. A smile immediately crossed his face as husband and wife arrived suited up.

Brian Braddock in his red, white and blue suit and Meggan in her black and green jumpsuit - her blonde her waving as Brian's n identity was hidden by his helmet. Zemo clenched on his own sword to notice what Brian had in his hand.


It's golden handle reflect against the sunlight as Brian stood in his suit amazingly as the silver metal which made the sword a sword glisten as the sun poured in.

Zemo forgot about Parker completely as he lunged at Brian but as this was happening a sudden gunshot caught Peter's attention.

"Rebeca..." Peter immediately ran out of the room striping from his suit to reveal his Spider-Man one instead.


Location: London, Buckingham Palace

Gaining balance Rebeca slowly raised and leaned on her elbows wincing as she was doing so. She looked down to see the stomach area of her uniform covered in blood. She put pressure on that area before hearing footsteps approach her. Looking up she saw Andrew Newsom gun in his hand smirking evilly. He got on one knee resting the hand with the gun on his leg.

"You shouldn't have helped Braddock honey. You wouldn't be in this mess otherwise..." he began acting like it was her fault. "Where did you put the drive?" He asked sternly pressing the barrel of the gun to her forehead. He was obviously referring to the one Kyle, her brother gave her. Shame she didn't have it.

"I don't have it..." Rebeca replied honestly as she began to sweat at the pressure.

"Then who has it?!" He yelled making Rebeca jump.

"Fury." Andrew Newsom was stunned to know that the 'Nick Fury had it. "He knows your plans. About me. Strucker. That's how they found the base back in 2015 before Ultron. The Maximoff twins. They know now father." She informed him a smile of her own on her face.

"If only you were on our side. I'd be proud. You chose wrong. You're on the wrong side." He told her.

"No. You did." Rebeca stated. Andrew had enough. The last thing Rebeca saw was her father, Andrew Newsom's angered expression before everything went black.

As Rebeca went unconscious Andrew got up from his feet. He wasn't going to kill Rebeca. Not yet. He began to walk away. Before he could turn the corner he heard someone shout. He turned around to expect a random agent or Captain Britain but his mouth dropped open slightly on seeing Avenger, Spider-Man running out of the hall outside towards Rebeca's unconscious form.

"Shit." He muttered to himself. They had an Avenger on board. This wasn't good for his future plans. And just like that Andrew Newsom slipped on his signature shades and disappeared into the shadows.

Peter Parker kneeled down beside Rebeca turning her over from her side so she laid flat on the ground.

He felt his heart go heavy upon seeing her bullet wound and immediately put pressure on the wound.

"Karen, how are her vitals?" Peter asked his A.I.

"Vitals seem average for now. Keep applying pressure. She will need surgery to remove the bullet."

"How deep?" Peter asked swear forming on his head even though no would be able to tell as he had his mask on.

"Couple inches but nothing important seems to be hit." Karen replied.

"Get in contact with that agent she's friends with."

"Pete Wisdom? Head of MI-13 correct?"

"Uh yeah." Peter was shocked of who she was friends but then again he was best buds with the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Who's this?" Pete Wisdom asked he sounded out of breath.

"It's Peter Parker. Rebeca's been shot. Currently unconscious." He informed. He heard the director of MI13's breath hitch at the sound of his teammate get shot. "Outside the east wing. East wall." Peter told him.

"Heading your way."

"P- Parker?" Rebeca coughed as she slowly opened her eyes. Peter immediately looked at Rebeca. She was incredibly pale now. She attempted to look at the wound which proved unsuccessful as Peter stopped her.

"No. Just stay with me Rebeca. Helps on the way." He said placing a hand on her cheek. He noticed her cheeks go only slightly pink and he smiled at her. A weak one. But she still wouldn't be able to see it as well. The mask. But Peter was just happy she was still breathing.

"Rebeca!" A sudden voice shouted. Peter turned his head to face Pete Wisdom and Meggan Puceanu Braddock running towards them.

"We need to get her to hospital..." Peter told the two as they crouched beside Peter who now had Rebeca's head on his lap.

"We don't." Meggan objected. Peter looked utterly confused as to what she meant. It didn't seem possible. Meggan slowly removed Peter's hand to reveal the wound. Rebeca's blood covered his gloved hand. "Bec. This is gonna sting..." Meggan slowly began to remove the bullet using some sort of magic to make it hurt less. Rebeca's back arched slightly as she winced at the pain. Meggan's eyes glowed an emerald green as she did so. As soon as the bullet was removed Meggan chucked it out of the way before placing her hand above the wound. Rebeca's breathing became more steady as more green hue escaped her hand.

"Karen how are her vitals?" Peter asked his A.I. a glimmer of hope in eyes.

"Vitals are returning to normal. Limited scarring...." his AI paused as if she was confused. "There seems to not be a wound Peter." The AI concludes. His question was already answered when Meggan removed her hand from the wound. Rebeca felt fine and was utterly confused just as much as Peter.

She removed her jacket and lifted her army green t-shirt to reveal a perfectly only slightly scarred patch of skin.


"Did you want to wait for something like this to happen in order to tell me about this or what?" Rebeca asked panting from the amount of pain as Meggan Peter and Pete helped her stand.

"Maybe." Meggan answered swiftly crossing her arms.

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