An Annoying HYDRA Party Pooper

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Location: London, Buckingham Palace

"As crowds gather to witness the hundreds of guests attending his majesty's birthday party arriving - the first that has ever been publicly announced in his majesty's reign. King William has invited many guests including army officers of several bases across the UK."

The sound of the news reporters voice filled the car as Pete drove down the roads passing dozens of crowds as they made their way to Buckingham Palace, Rebeca sat beside him.

Both of them were silent through the journey they were both quite nervous for this party. They were both meeting royalty for the first time.

"According to resources Britain's hero Captain Britain is unfortunately not able to attend today's festivities."

Rebeca sighed as she heard that. They didn't know the cost of this mission. But they would if it didn't succeed.

She had no weapons on her. She didn't need them. Pete on the other hand did. As an agent and an army officer they had somehow managed to get passes to allow their weapons through. Then again Pete had warned of a possible attack which was likely and had informed them of Zemo thanks to an extra call from Kelsey they'd tripled security.

Others such as anyone with an Avengers badge were immediately let through.

Pete swiftly turned the corner which would then lead them down the main stretch towards the palace. Crowds of hundreds had gathered and their car now had one behind and in front.

Pete slipped on his shades as Rebeca made sure her army uniform was tidy. Pete parked the car and placed a gun in his holster.

As soon as the two were outside their vehicle three security guards approached the two. Both Pete and Rebeca showed their passes to the men and were escorted to the entrance.

The two walked inside the entrance their jaws dropped slightly in complete awe of the place. It was hard to keep a straight face to see so many pretty elegant halls. Pete swore he saw one of the security guards smirk.

As the two walked into the ballroom Rebeca could hear violins playing in the background as many guests were chatting amongst themselves. In the back of the room she could see a podium with a microphone and techs fiddling with sound and effects.

"Ah, Agent Wisdom, Captain Newsom it's wonderful to finally meet you." A voice suddenly exclaimed breaking Rebeca from her trance to face the birthday boy himself and wife William and Kate. Rebeca was lost for words upon actually meeting the two. Thanks to an awesome friend Pete immediately took control of the situation.

He literally bowed. An absolutely fantastic and flawless bow.... 'He's a spy of course he's mastered bowing!' Rebeca told herself.

"It's wonderful to meet you your majesty. I must say you both look wonderful today." Pete complemented. Once again flawless answer. No stutters. His first time meeting royalty! Pssh! Puh-lease! Hard to believe. "Please call me Pete." He concluded before the two turned to Rebeca. William kindly saluted her in which Rebeca fumbled but gladly returned the salute. She immediately felt so stupid for messing it up and flushed mentally slapping herself.

"Wonderful t- to meet you your majesty." Rebeca stuttered holding her hand out for him to shake. He gladly shook it. 'Ha!' Rebeca thought 'Pete didn't shake his hand! He didn't even offer to'

"Brian Braddock has told me much about you both. He told me you'd be like this Rebeca. Is it okay if I call you Rebeca?" He questioned quickly. Rebeca placed a hand casually on her hip.

"Of course." she answered politely. William nodded in approval.

"We hope you enjoy the evening." Kate told them before the two noticed a couple people waving.

"We got to go. I apologise." William informed interlocking his hand with Kate's.

"Don't worry it's alright. Happy birthday." Pete concluded as the two began to walk away.

They both sighed in relief now noticing that they both were sweating buckets. Talking to royalty seemed to be a weakness of theirs. Not even talking to one another they looked each other in the eyes they knew what they were thinking. 'Don't faint'

Before Rebeca could open her mouth Pete began to walk off a smirk plastered on his face. Rebeca seemed confused until she saw the one and only Peter Parker approach her. He was wearing a nicely tailored dark blue suit with a white shirt, grey tie and polished black shoes, he also wore the same Avengers badge he'd worn the day before. He seemed nervous. Rebeca was no different.

"Hey." He began smiling. "You just got out of a pretty intense conversation." he continued giggling. Rebeca chucked slightly.

"Yeah. First time meeting royalty." She said looking him in the eyes.

"Thought you'd be staying with your buddy." He said looking around probably for Pete.

"I would but he left me before I could complain. I'm not really confident here right now. I don't want to mess up..." Rebeca explained referencing to her powers of which she knew Peter didn't know about.

"I know how you feel." He said looking down. He then noticed I had no holsters on her thighs. "No guns then?" He questioned.

"Don't need guns to fight battle. We both know you don't either." She stayed honestly smirking. He gave a questioning glance and noticed some people leaving the room. Rebeca noticed his concerned face before turning to face the leaving guests.

Before Rebeca could ask what he was thinking Peter's hand slid protectively around her waist slowly moving her backwards away from the rooms main entrance. Her face flushed but she didn't have time to question why he did so before she found something. Something that kill anyone and everyone in the room. A bomb. It's beeping caught nearby guests attention. Pete was one of those people noticing that it's closest victims would be Peter and Rebeca.

"Rebeca!" He shouted obviously wanting her to move as he hesitantly removes his hand from her waist but she was completely frozen - as was Peter - not to far away was his majesty himself - Rebeca knew what she had to do. The beeping got louder and quicker as the guests noticed what was happening. Screams escaped mouths across the room knowing there was no way out.

Rebeca looked down at her hands before looking at Pete's sweet chocolate eyes which immediately told her to do it. To protect everyone. One thing stood out a letter attached which read:

You know where I'll be
From Dad x

Her father was here. Everything slowed down as she focused on her telekinesis to create a shield and pushed Peter out of the way and he hit the floor just before the bomb went off.

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