Chapter 5

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The two girls sat at the table sipping on their coffees, their breakfast plates pushed to the side. Gwen couldn't help but stare at Sally. She seemed so comfortable with everything. She told herself it must not have kicked in yet. That everyone she loved was... well, dead, and everything she knew was changed. But there she was, as if everything was natural to her. Either that or she was putting up a really good front. She couldn't, she wouldn't be the one to put the thoughts in her head. She would realize them on her own. All she could do is hope they are close enough for her to talk to her about it all.

"You know, I think I may enjoy today," she said, giving Gwen a small smile. "I had so much on my mind the other night, but I think, I think" She chuckled to herself "well I don't know what I think yet" She took a sip of her coffee. "But I have dealt with a lot worse and this isn't so bad."

"You're not going to miss—" Gwen began but then stopped herself.

"My family and friends?" She asked, but to Gwen's surprise, she did not seem upset by this thought. In fact, she was grinding. "No, I had a friend once who said never look back because there is no point. Besides, they're all still alive at some time right?" Gwen stared at her. " I had decided one of two things are happening. I'm either crazy and none of this was real or anything is possible. Either way, I'm not going to let it get me down."

"That's the spirit." Gwen didn't quite believe she would be able to keep this attitude up but it was good for now. "Mrs. Sally Armstrong, I'll think you'll make it."

"Doctor." Sally corrected her. Gwen watched her with a blank look on her face. "I'm a doctor, not a missus."

She when to say something but the words didn't come out. She screwed her face up a bit. Sally gave her the same look back. The words came out of her mouth quiet award as she tried to think of a way to say it without sounding rude. "I'm sorry, I just, I thought. I thought that women wouldn't be able to, at that time. That it would have been a very hard thing to do." Sally watched her for a moment. "I didn't mean to make you upset" Gwen quickly said.

"Oh, no" she answered, " I would hope that becoming a Doctor would always be something you had to put some effect in. If it was something anyone could do then it wouldn't feel as important once you archived it." she tried to put on a smile just to get her to stop making that face.

"I know" Sally finally broke the silence after a few minutes. "Why don't you tell me where are some good places to shop at are?" this took Gwen's mind off their refuse conversion and she started talking about all the place they could go shopping. With her mind on other things, Sally was able to think about the things she really wanted to do. She would have to find out if Dr. Harcourt De'ath was a real person, then go from there. She walked alongside Gwen as she kept talking about things she wasn't quite interested in, mostly her husband and kids. If she would be honest she only heard about every third sentence that came out of Gwen's mouth. That was untilled she slipped what she did for work. With the unknown, with aliens. This peeked Sally's interest. Oh, how wonderful, she thought. This could be the first steps to my plane.

To her surprise, she did begin to enjoy her time with the girl after they started talking about things that were more interesting. she pulled the conversion to space and aliens. Gwen did her best to try to change the topic until she realized Sally knew what she was talking about. She may actually know more than me about this stuff Gwen thought to herself.

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