11: Oh yeah, and I have powers

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"How about, put her down, step back, and I won't blast your friggin face off!"

Now, at first I was completely convinced that was Rocket. But no, it was a very angry Tony.

I jumped off Loki, seeing Tony standing in the doorway with his hand blaster on and aimed right at Loki's head.

"Like I said before," I said to no one in specific. "This is bullshit."

Loki sighed and turned to Tony. "Listed here mortal. I am a god, far superior to you in every way-"

"Name one," Tony said in a 'try me bitch' tone.

Loki rolled his eyes gracefully.

Wow, that's something I never thought I'd say.

"Alright. I haven't had multiple mistresses over the years," Loki said, shrugging delicately.

My eyes went wide as I stared at Tony. I was trying to see some hint of anything, want to commit homicide, total loathing, anything.

He remained still. "Well, then you haven't had any fun."

I gasped. "Tony, not the time!"

Tony turned to me. "Fraternizing with the enemy, are we?"

I groaned and rolled my own eyes. Loki had a point about stollen mannerisms. "Tony, please don't start a fight!" I whispered hoarsely.

Tony shrugged. Not a shrug I wanted to see. "You and Reindeer Games may not see each other, or I swear to god I'll blast his face to kingdom come," As he spoke he repositioned himself to look yet more threatening.

Yeah, the blaster he was wielding wasn't scary enough.

Loki growled, and I put a hand on his chest to stop him from charging on Tony. The glint in Loki's eyes matched Tasha's.

At first, I thought it was because of Tony's 'haven't had any fun' comment. But I realized it was his 'may not see each other' one, and Loki gripped the hand I had on his chest and roughly shoved it back to me.

I watched as Loki and Tony had their own standoff, over me, and I didn't know what I should do about it.

Should I run? Should I try to stop them from burning the house down? For the fifth time this week I felt beyond confused.

"Tony, he's not going to hurt me! Do I need FRIDAY to broadcast that through the compound for all of your stupid ears to hear?! God, you're all so annoying! Thank you for caring for me, but I can take care of myself!" I ranted to Tony.

Tony stared at me, expressionless as before. But his eyes told me enough.

They didn't hold fire like Loki's, they looked sad. "Kid, you don't know what he did."

Okay, now I was as pissed as Tasha. "Stop telling me that!"

It made me doubt Loki.

Loki looked back at me, and I knew he'd heard me think that.

"Look, Tony, if you don't leave us alone I'll....I'll...I'll do it this time," I stood tall. Loki didn't know what I was threatening, but Tony did. Tony's hand fell, he started shaking his head. "Don't," he started.

"You'll do what?" Loki whispered.

I swallowed hard.

One of the un-benefits of being a HYDRA experiment was the strange abilities I gained from Loki's staff. I could alter realities.

In other words, I could make it so none of the avengers knew me, and I could happily be with Loki long as I wanted, and they'd know I changed it. They'd have a small memory of an adorable 19 year old they lost.

And I'd have all my memories, I'd be stuck living with everything that I remembered, and yet they wouldn't. And tang would eat me up.

Loki could have all his memories, but no one would remember him.

The avengers didn't let me do this for fear I'd mess up and change things to drastically.

"If you do that you have no idea what could happen," Tony went on.

Loki looked horrified. "I never knew you could do that."

He'd read my mind.

I raised my hands, moving my fingers like Wanda's. Black mist swirled around my fingers, the appearance almost like sand. But as it passed over my fingertips and palm it felt more like moving glass, smooth and unbroken in surface texture.

Loki's eyes widened yet more. "Nor did I know you could do that."

As I continued to slowly curl my fingers and straighten them the sandy substance spread around the room. It seeped into corners and moved around me, unlike Wanda's.

I tried to hide this, to suppress it. I really hated using this, but on the off occasion when Wanda isn't available the Avenger's call me out to assist instead.

They don't like me and Wanda at the same time because of how terribly the powers clashed last time we used them in the same vicinity. And because of how very powerful I am.

How that makes sense to them I don't know.

I swallowed hard. "Now Tony. Please, I can handle myself. Please, he'll be fine. Why can't you just trust me?!"

Earlier I'd said I didn't trust myself. And that's true, around Loki impulse control faded from my grasp, and I found myself unable to hold onto my conscience.

But I wanted others to trust me, like the Avengers, to know I can handle Loki. I can take care of myself. It mildly offended me that they did trust me.

Steve and Bucky burst into the room, Steve wielding his shield. "Loki, back away from her."

I lost it. "I'm so DONE!" When I screamed the last word, the sand pulsed, then shot at the walls and dove to the floor, ricocheting off and hitting anyone but me and Loki.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

I heard an ear-splitting scream and clasped my hands over my ears, not realizing the scream was my own.

I heard a blast go off, Wanda's voice and I fell to the floor. My head hit the tile with a sickening crack, and the world went black.

That's, well, that's all I remember.

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