Chapter 14

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Toby's POV

Shit. Ouch, my head.

I opened my eyes to the bright light beaming into my eyes. I looked over to find Spencer sleeping. I hardly remember last night. I hope I didn't do anything I would regret.

Except drinking your weight in liquor, idiot.

I looked at my clock. I should be getting ready for work. Who knows if I even have a job, I've called in 'sick' too many times now. I rolled out of bed throwing on my clothes and spraying some cologne on. I walked into the bathroom putting on deodorant and brushing my teeth quickly. I looked at my eye.

I better not scare any patients today.

I had to wake up Spencer now. I'm sure she has work today too. I hesitated sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked so peaceful, I didn't want to ruin that. Again. "Spence," I whispered.

She didn't move.

"Spence," I said a little louder.

Still nothing.

"Spencer," I shook her.

Her eyes flung open, she quickly turned over. "Wha-?" She looked around confused for a minute.

"I-I was just going to leave for work," I told her.

"Oh, right." She rubbed her eyes, still waking up from sleep. "You're going like that?" She eyed me up and down.

"Yeah," I hesitated. "Do I look bad?"

"Hand me my bag," she pointed at the floor.

I quickly handed her, her bag.

She dug around for a minute, "Here."

"What's that?" I glanced at her confused.

She opened it up and patted it, bringing it to my face.

"Whoa," I backed up. "I'm not wearing make up."

"It's better than looking like that," she spat at me. "Now come here and stop being such a baby. I'll make it look like you aren't wearing makeup."

She gently patted my eye with powder. I had to admit, having her this close to me... It felt good. I tried to breath evenly as her face was inches from mine.

"There," she pulled away. "Wait," she ran her fingers through my hair a couple of times. "Now you don't look so scary."

"Thanks," I smiled at her. I looked at her finally, realizing she was in my clothes.

Her face changed and she pulled the covers over herself, "You should get going."

"Y-yeah," I stood up. "Just lock the front door when you leave," I said, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

"Sure," she nodded.

I headed for the door. "Spence," I turned back around.


"Thanks," I mumbled. "For last night. I um-I'm not sure what happened but thanks for taking care of me."

"Sure," she half smiled, half frowned.

Another week. The days seemed endless. They seemed dull. I loved having Hayden with me, but all she did was talk about Spencer. It was hard to hear her name. And when I didn't have Hayden, it was worse. I realized how lonely I truly was.

My phone rang and Spencer's face lit up on the screen. She never called me. Never.

"Hello?" I answered expecting it to be a butt dial.

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