Chapter 6 - His Eyes

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I'm terrible at updating, don't hate me pleassseee


Light woke up the next morning to a usual sight. L was on his laptop. He sighed, flopping onto his stomach and groaning loudly.

"The beast is awake!" L shouted. Light didn't respond and burried his face farther into the sheets.

"I was up all night." He said. Again, Light didn't respond, he just groaned.

"Atleast communicate with me Light." L sighed. "Groaning and moaning isn't exactly the best way to have a conversation." Light fipped over to look up at L.

L's face was fixed above his, and his eyes were just staring into the other boy's.


Light mentally slapped himself, he hated these goddamn feelings. They were so controlling and he worried what they'd make him do.. He didn't want L to get close because then he could figure out what he'd been hiding for so long.

"Your eyes are pretty." He said without thinking. This time he mentally ran himself over with a car.

L blushed, smiling with his creepy little smile.

"Didn't think anyone could see them." He laughed lightly, face still inches from Light's.

This was the closest they'd ever been, even with cuffs they tended to keep their distance.

But neither of them moved.

Light slowly began to let his eyes wander across L's features. From his eyes, to his nose, and finally to his lips.

He licked his own, just staring at them and wondering how it would feel to have them against his.

L cleared his throat awkwardly before moving off of Light with a little smirk.

Light's heart was pounding out of his chest. Did L notice him staring there? He asked himself. If he did he would be mortified.

Nervously, he looked back to L.

L just winked and then went back to his laptop.


It's So Wrong.. But Feels So Right   (Light x L boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora