Chapter 12 - Waking Up

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Guess who's back! Me.

I feel like utter shit for the wait. I've just had so so much going on. There's just a ton happening in my life and it's just ugh.

In the morning L woke up with a headache.

It felt like a thousand golf balls were bouncing around in his head. And damn, did it hurt.

Most of all, his stomach hurt. He felt like he'd spit up those candies he'd snacked on any minute.

Groaning, he turned onto his side to find that the bed was cold and empty. Where had Light gone?

"Light?" He called groggily. He managed to lift his head far up enough to see Light poke his head into the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked, walking in and sitting down softly into the bed.

"I don't feel good." L groaned, holding his stomach. Light shook his head, placing his hand onto L's forehead. "L, you've got a fever."

"I do?" L exclaimed. "I don't know how I mean I haven't been-"

"Sleep depravation. Sometimes causes sickness. Let's try sleeping earlier, hmm?" Light smiled at him gingerly. "Nothing a good day in bed without working can't fix."

L gasped, shaking his head at the younger boy. "No no no. There's so much work and I've got to-"

"You don't have to do anything. Just sleep." Light cut him off again, reassuringly squeezing his hand. "Come on."

In dismay and defeat, L rolled back into bed, turning away from Light.

"I hate you." He muttered. He heard the other boy laugh softly, then the feeling of lips lightly hovering over his exposed cheek.

"No, you know you love me." Light lightly kissed the skin before silently leaving the room.

Being sick isn't fun, but maybe this would be okay.


It's So Wrong.. But Feels So Right   (Light x L boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now