Chapter 8 - Stores

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Hey guys sorry I didn't update. I had some family stuff.
But anyways I was just watching the vampire diaries aha. I'm totally team Damon.
Okay, well here you go. I know it's not as long as promised, just with what's going on I'm unable to present the best promised.

Light got into his car. He lightly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel awkwardly as L had to climb over him to sit in the car.

The events were rather awkward, so to say.

L hit his head on the roof of the car, frowning.

"Ow!" He yelped, sitting down quickly into the seat and rubbing his head. He pouted lightly, he seemed to do that a lot.

"You're rather clumsy." Light chuckled. L frowned and looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Me? Clumsy? Coming from the person who fell down a flight of stairs." He smirked. Light looked down at his lap blighting his lip.

"Hey, we promised to not talk about that, remember?" He smiled.

"I tend to talk about memories I enjoy, Light. You of all people would know." L said. He looked forward, sighing. "Ready to go?" He asked. Light nodded, driving the car to the store.


Once at the store both boys awkwardly got out, noticing the strange glances from others around them.

"What're they doing?"
"Kinky shit, honestly."

People all around them whispered, but Light ignored it as he walked towards the cakes.

L fondled over each one, smiling at all the flavors.

"Oooh! This one.. No! This one! No no this one!" L shouted as he looked at each cake.

Light eventually sighed with annoyance, just grabbing the cake he first laid eyes on. He practically had to drag L out of the store.

"You're mean." L spoke once they were inside of the car.

Light sighed, looking over at him. He noticed how close L was to his face. It was a similar situation, no less awkward than the last.

Light stared into the boys eyes again, then back down to his lips.

Light felt himself licking his own almost compulsively.

And then he felt himself leaning in. It was unsure. It wasn't normal, nor was it strange until he felt the other boys lips against his own.

They fit together and Light had to say in all of his years of kissing people, no kiss had amounted to that one.

And when they pulled apart, L just smiled with his cheeky little smile and motioned for him to drive home.

And so they did.

It's So Wrong.. But Feels So Right   (Light x L boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن