Ghostly Beginnings

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The underground had recently been filled with the most unfabulous being imaginable, they wore lime green suits and had everyone in the underground rallied into the small town of err, what was it? Oh yes, how could I forget. Snowdin.

I stood at the back of the crowd, absolutely cross I wasn't the star on the stage, instead it was a lady cloaked underneath pounds of makeup and clothes, to an unnecessary extent. I glared at her from the back of the crowd, she didn't even notice my scowling.

"Welcome, Welcome. I'm glad to introduce all of you to a tournament where you will be competing with the strongest foes and allies alike, from all timelines and dimensions." She squeaked utterly annoyingly.

"Now I'm happy to announce our first fighter will be..." She stalled for suspense as I had on many of my own shows for more view and watch time.

"Undyne!" She finally shouted after the long suspense. Everyone clapped for her, as she would be one of the most well fit for it, even if I definitely was more well fit for it. I glared at Undyne who now stood up on stage giving a slight wave at the people below her.

"Now then, our next fighter will be..." she hesitated again to pull another piece of paper our of the glass jar.

"Mettaton!" She squeaked, I started clapping once I realized that was me. Everyone in the crowd and on stage stared at me, as I walked up onto the stage beside Undyne.

"I have just one last question for all of you before we leave, do we have any volunteers to take the place of the people who stand in front of you?" She squeaked. I looked around and saw Blo... Napstablook. I saw he said something.

"Well Mettaton seems like you got off easy this time punk." Undyne muttered to me, I glared at her and walked off stage as Blooky headed for the stage.

The people running the show must've thought he was taking too long, so they headed towards him to force him up faster. They went to grab him, but phased right through him, they must've not have known how ghosts work. I laughed at knowing fully well that was going to happen.

Try as they might, they couldn't force Blooky to go up on stage any faster than he already was.

"Oh. You wanted me to move faster? Sorry." He apologized, disappearing and reappearing on stage beside Undyne.

"Well then, let's see if these will be enough to triumph over the other fighters." She squeaked. I waved bye to Blooky.

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