Fish and Needles

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Hilda had finally recovered enough to be standing again, although if she had to transform into her moon form I don't think she'd be able to survive it. Thankfully, we had been able to avoid people recently. Now that Hilda was standing again we were continuing our previous conversations.

"So we never did get to finish our conversation from earlier. What is it like where you're from?" Hilda asked me, we heard the leaves crunching beneath our feet.

"Well, it's actually pretty nice. I'm the head of the royal guard there and I train a few other people as well." I told her, I thought about Papyrus. He was freaking tough, but I don't know how he'd react if I didn't return to the underground. What would Alphys do, I had to get back to them. Apparently my troubled thoughts were shown on my face.

"Hey, I can tell that you miss you friends a great deal. You should feel lucky, I don't have that many friends. I'm always told to be too wise for them, but you should keep your friends memories in mind." Hilda explained to me, so maybe if I was determined enough to see my friends I could actually return to see them. Doubt had been obscuring my mind for  a while now about that.

"Thanks Hilda, you are pretty wise. And that's a good thing." I answered to her giving her a polite smile, she smiled back at me as we continued to walk through the woods. In the distance we could see a figure walking towards us, we readied ourselves for battle. It was Ronan, the one with yellow diamonds on his jacket. He looked slightly worried at us, I locked eyes with him. For some reason he seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

I conjured spears behind me and Hilda made a mini blimp. Ronan then created some glowing yellow bullets in his hand. We had a stare-down for a moment before Hilda threw the mini blimp at him, then my spears followed right after. Ronan then flung his bullets at us and our attacks exploded in the middle, but one of my spears kept flying towards him. It nipped his jacket on the shoulder creating a rip in the fabric.

"Are you going to put up a fight or are we just going to take you down easily?" Hilda asked Ronan, she then laughed creating the words 'HA HA' that flew towards him, I then created my yellow spear. Both of the attacks flew at him, Ronan created more bullets, but this time using both hands. My yellow spear then flew over and behind him and right at him. Ronan got knocked foreword by my yellow spear and hit the 'HA HA'. Ronan then fell backwards hitting the ground, he had blood dripping from his mouth. Ronan then stood up and looked at us defiantly.

"Alright, you want me to put up a fight?! Let's see how you handle this!" Ronan shouted then creating a wall of yellow bullets behind him. Both Hilda and I looked on worriedly at them, this would present a large problem. The bullets then flew towards us, I created lots of spears to counterbalance them and Hilda then transformed into her blimp woman form and fired a mini tornado at them. But the attacks were unmatched and a few of the bullets still came at us and hit us. Ronan smiled at us.

Just then we heard rustling on each side of us, more people approaching. This wasn't good at all. Then Mugman and Tails jumped into the fight on one side, and another man on the other side. I recognized him as Garrend. They both looked up and saw each other, Tails and Mugman looked terrified when they saw him. Now that I was looking, Ronan did too.

"Well the party's just now beginning and everyone's terrified already. This isn't going to be any fun." Garrend said spinning around in a circle, pine needles then flying off of him in every direction. I saw Ronan make bullets to counteract them and Hilda reflected them with a mini tornado. Mugman and Tails has narrowly dodged all of them. Garrend then smiled at all of us.

"You two don't seem to be fearing me, I'll change that soon." He said rushing at us, Hilda then jumped out of the way, it was me versus this pine freak. Hilda, Ronan, Tails, and Mugman were fighting now. I created one of my yellow spears and threw it at him, before it could go over him, he grabbed it and threw it back at me. I dodged it just in time before it would've hit me. I brought out one of my spears and Garrend created a long pine needle, almost at long as he was tall. He then stabbed it at me, I held up my spear to block it but the needle went right through my spear and towards me. It collided with my eye and I yelped in pain, I watched as Hilda then body slammed Garrend as hard as she could. Garrend then was pushed back far away from Hilda and I.

"Well it's a good thing that's my blind eye you stabbed." I told him, he had stabbed my blind eye I kept an eyepatch over, but now I threw the eyepatch off of my face. Hilda then resumed fighting the other three. Just as she did I watched and saw as Mugman flew over me and slammed on the ground hard, Ronan stood there defiantly. Mugman faded away and there was a cannon noise in the distance, Hilda whipped her head towards Ronan in anger. Garrend then conjured pine needles around him and sent them at me. I conjured another spear in my hand and deflected them with it. I saw Hilda laughing but it wasn't he normal attack, it was maniacal laughing. She then started to shake, she was going to transform again.

"Hilda, no! You won't survive if you transform." I shouted at her, attempting to fight off Garrend. She looked at me for a moment, her shaking ceased and she continued to fight in her blimp woman form. Garrend and I fought in close combat for a few moments, both of us throwing punches, kicks, and magical attacks. It started to get heated between us before I landed a spear right by his shoulder blade, he cringed in pain and backed up from me.

"You want to play that way do you? Well let's just see what color your blood is, guppy!" He shouted at me then conjuring pine cones behind him, he then lobbed them towards me and I carefully dodged each one. The pine cones exploded on contact with the ground, I didn't want them to get to me. Garrend and I weren't getting anywhere, neither of us were able to overpower each other. We were equally matched in strength.

"Hilda! Let's leave now!" I shouted at her, as I ran away from Garrend and pulled on her arm. Ronan and Tails then left right after us because they didn't want to deal with Garrend either.

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