Hammering Problems

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"This is quite a curious place isn't it?" I asked my two friends. We had met up earlier not wanting to kill each other, more like we didn't want to. I had teamed up with Amy and Violet, that was their names.

"I mean it's a lot more different than where I usually am." Violet responded to me. Amy spun her hammer in her hand.

"Is it different from where you're from Luna?" Amy asked me in her peppy voice.

"Well I go to a wizarding school and there's a forest by it. This is similar to it in some ways, just that there aren't any magical creature to see." I answered Amy's question.

"Looks like we've got some punks we can beat up." A voice said from the woods around us, the earth rumbled around us.

"It seems as if your going to have a problem on all angles of you." Another voice said, the wind blew around us. These winds and rumbles didn't seem normal in any fashion.

"We're not as weak as we look!" Amy shouted holding her hammer in a 'menacing' fashion. A strong breeze can over us and Amy'a hammer flew into the woods.

"Hey give that back, it's not yours!" Amy shouted into the woods.

"You're being quite rude to people you haven't even met yet." The second voice said to us, I reached in my pocket for my wand.

"Why don't we get to know these babies." The first voice said as two figures appeared out of the forest. One was floating in the air, the other handing firmly on the ground.

"Our names are Iva." The one stated that was floating, a breeze flew around of us.

"And Toph." The other on the ground shook, she created a rumble in the earth underneath us. Toph was the one holding Amy's hammer even though the wind took it, which seemed to be Iva's powers.

"How long did it take you to rehearse that?" I asked them, they both turned towards me with an insanely angry expression.

"You're bothering us, it's time to shut you up goofy girl." Toph said stomping her foot on the ground. Violet pulled both of us towards us creating a forcefield around us, a rock spike hit the shield but wasn't able to pierce through it. Violet seemed to be struggling against it though.

"Iva you try something." Toph said to her, she smiled at Violet who looked at Iva with fearful eyes.

"Gladly." Is all she said holding her hands out, I saw the forcefield around us start to shrink. She was somehow compressing the shield in with the air around us. I took out my wand at the moment.

"Engorgio!" I shouted pointing my wand at the shield. Now I was fighting with Iva for control of the shield, But with two people on our side able to control the shield, Iva couldn't shrink it. That's when Toph took Amy's hammer and bashed it against the shield, causing Violet to stumble slightly.

"These dorks aren't worth our time." Toph told Iva out loud to us, they seemed to be trying to enrage us. Amy would be the most susceptible to this.

"Who are you calling dorks?!" Amy shouted angrily at them, right on schedule.

"I don't know, probably the only other people in this area." Iva said as they started to walk away.

"Hey give me back my hammer!" Amy shouted at them, they simply kept moving away from us.

"Come and get it." They said in unison laughing at us, that would be a recipe for disaster for sure. Violet let the shield around us disappear after they left, she seemed out of breath from that. Amy went to go after then, I grabbed her shoulder.

"You'll get killed if you go after them." I said to her, she rolled her eyes at me.

"I can handle myself against those dummies." She said running off after them. I went over to Violet and helped her stand up.

"She's not going to survive them." Violet said, she was most definitely correct.

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