Beginning of The Games

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"Three... Two... One... GO!" The loudspeaker shouted, almost all 24 of us headed to the center to get items for the battle and considering they'd most likely give me a terrible starter deck, I'd need cards to advance it.

I wasn't entirely sure how the dueling system worked here, Rebecca and I had never really worked it out even though we were given ample time to do so. I ran towards the center to see if there was anything I'd want to grab.

It was both a blessing and a curse being one of the slowest ones getting to the center. I found a Buster Blader and Mystical Space Typhoon Card in the center and added them to my deck. I saw Rebecca snatch a Diamond Head Dragon Card and them vanish with the reptilian girl. I wanted to be on my lonesome, the only person I'd want on my team is someone that I already knew and could trust. I didn't want anyone turning their back on me and killing me.

I started to run away from the center of the map, I wasn't used to this kind of running. Just then my duel disk made a sound and ejected a card into my hand. I looked at it, my deck had given me the Beaver Warrior. Now I'd at least have a better way to defend myself from attacks.

I almost made it to the forest surrounding the center before I was blocked by a man wearing a hat. He had a jacket on with yellow diamonds running down the sleeves of it, I remembered his name: Ronan.

"This isn't a safe place for a kid like you." He said to my bringing his arm up, I had seen some of the powers he had used.

"I'm no kid and I'll prove that to you!" I shouted at him as my duel disk made a sound again and another card came into my hand. I now had the Beaver Warrior and Kuriboh.

"What are you going to do throw a card at me? Ha I'd like to see you try." He taunted as his hand started to glow slightly and tiny yellow bullets appeared behind him. They started to fire at me. I threw Beaver Warrior onto my duel disk and there it was, my Beaver Warrior held up its shield to block the bullets.

"What the? How did you do that?" He asked me, seeing the duel disk on my arm, "That's What I need to break before I can get to you."

"Not if my Beaver Warrior has anything to say about it!" I exclaimed as my Beaver Warrior charged Ronan, he simply fired more yellow bullets at Beaver Warrior. Beaver Warrior couldn't take the hit and vanished from the damage it took. I saw as Beaver Warrior faded from my duel disk. That's when I was given another card: Mirror Force.

"Time to end your duel disk." He said firing another wave of bullets at me, I had an idea but had no idea of knowing if it would work.

"Kuriboh I call on you to use your effect!" I shouted holding Kuriboh up in the air. The card vanished as Kuriboh appeared in front of me. The wave of bullets was absorbed by Kuriboh before Kuriboh too vanished.

"Well it's clear I can't beat you kid, stay outta trouble." He said as he ran in the other direction away from me. I couldn't believe it I had defended myself in the first battle, I felt a wave of adrenaline rush over me.



"Hey Hilda, What was it like where you were at?" I asked her, I had teamed up with this... blimp woman. She seemed nice enough.

"Well it was not all that well, everyone making deals with the devil and that assortment of things." She confessed to me, I nodded.

"What was it like where you are Undyne?" She asked me.

"Not all that..." I was about to answer before I heard something to the right of us. We were both in the middle of the forest, we had fought briefly earlier before just joining up together.

"Shh!" Hilda quieted me, holding a hand out in front of me. We both backed up slowly, we had no idea what to expect of any of the people in this place we were in. The sound kept coming towards us, it seemed like multiple people walking right in our direction. We prepared ourselves for whatever we would encounter, I conjured spears around me and Hilda conjured little blimps. A few moments later a trio appeared out of the thicket freezing when they saw us at the ready.

"Mugman?" Hilda said, she was looking at the shortest of the three, he had a mug looking head. I saw the other two, a yellow fox, and a ghost. The ghost for some reason looked pretty familiar.

"Oh... hey Undyne... I've seen you around in the underground... you're pretty cool with your... spears and stuff..." Napstablook said to me, he was the other tribute from the underground.

"Do you guys know them?" The yellow fox asked Napstablook and Mugman.

"Yeah Tails, That's Miss Berg. She's super!" Mugman said to Tails, Hilda looked sad from that comment.

"You do know that all of us are supposed to be enemies except for the team we make, right?" Hilda asked the trio, they seemed unsettled by that comment.

"Well all of us can be a team." Mugman said seeming slightly desperate.

"Nah, I'm fine with just Hilda here, but on Hilda's note I think it's time we get to fighting." I smiled, Tails and Mugman shivered. Napstablook seemed unchanged by my comment. I fired my spears at Tails first, even though Mugman seemed weaker Tails seemed to clever to lead the team. Tails barely dodged my spears and Hilda lobbed her mini blimps at Napstablook, they phased through him.

"Oh... us ghosts are unable to be hit with attacks... were kinda incorporeal..." Napstablook said to Hilda, she seemed bewildered now not knowing how to beat him.

Mugman then started snapping his finger and little blue bullets started firing towards me. I created spears to counter all of them, my spears breaking about ten each.

Hilda then laughed at Napstablook, but her laugh was an actual attack as the words 'HA HA' appeared and hit Napstablook, apparently they were magical enough to be a hit, Hilda smiled.

"Now I've got you." Hilda snickered deviously.

"We've got to retreat guys, we can't beat them." Mugman said stopping his snapping, and barely missing my spears. Tails threw something on the ground moments later and then there was smoke everywhere. I couldn't see anything. I fired a spear into the smoke cloud and heard it hit something.

The smoke cleared and I saw that I had hit a tree instead of any of them.

"Damn it." I said, wanting to have killed one of them.

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