Clashing of The Beasts

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I walked back into the middle of the map, I hoped that no one would be there, no one would go back there. Right?

I thought about Zuko, what was he thinking right now? All I hoped for him was that he was safe from what was going on right now. That's when I saw in the middle someone there. It was a man with black hair and in a full robe, Severus Snape if I remember correctly. And out of the corner of my eye I saw someone also entering the middle of the map, it was that reptilian man, Dynal.

This was going to get bed quickly.

It was almost a triangle effect of how it all started, Severus saw me first then Dynal saw him. Severus simply stayed put waiting for us to come to him, Dynal sure took his bait. I started out as well, not wanting to take part in this.

"How far with that mere piece of wood take you?" Dynal inquired Severus.

"Farther than you'll survive." Severus retorted brandishing his wand at Dynal. Dynal laughed at Severus' threats, he really seemed to not care about him at all.

"You really think I'm such a joke don't you, try not being able to move. Immobulus!" Severus shouted that last word at Dynal, I then watched as a magic beam was fired at Dynal from Severus' wand and hit Dynal. Dynal tried to move but seemed to be unable to move now thanks to that spell.

"While he's occupied with that, it's your turn. Accio Iroh!" Severus shouted, I felt myself being pulled towards him. I could see Dynal trying to free himself from the spell to no avail. I kept spiraling towards Severus as he aimed his wand at me, I didn't want to find out what he was going to use next.

"Avada Kadavra!" Severus shouted as a green spell came rocketing towards me, I forced myself downwards, narrowly avoiding the spell but landing hard on the ground. I shoved my fist towards him and a blast of fire flew out towards him, Severus stepped to the side watching it fly past him, I got up in that time. Dynal was still trapped in the spell.

"Let's fight fire with fire then, Incendio!" Severus flicked his wand at me again and a large blast of fire came towards me, I held both of my hands together up in the air and brought them down vertically creating a line of fire that cut Severus' in half and the fire he had created. The halves of fire past both sides of me.

"You're a worthy foe." Severus said to me holding his wand up near his face.

"Thank you, the statement holds true for you as well." I complimented him, Severus seemed confused at my optimism.

"You'll see that I am too." Dynal said now free from the Immobulus spell now, he was laughing loudly now. Severus seemed to be cringing slightly now.

"That spell is supposed to last much longer." He said to Dynal, "No matter, you're still easy to take down either way."

"Easy, I'm far from easy to beat. I have the upper hand on everyone. I know all your tricks, on the other hand no one has any idea of what I can bring to a fight." Dynal said as his laughs grew louder.

"I'm so curious to find out." Severus said still clearly bored at Dynal's monologue.

"You won't be bored when I unleash my true power." Dynal said as he started to transform. His body grew in size and shape until it unleashed a tidal wave of wind when he was finished transforming. He had transformed into a dinosaur like creature. Dynal roared loudly at Severus, who seemed to be slightly worried now.

"I'm not so easy anymore am I?" Dynal asked rhetorically to Severus.

"You made yourself a larger target, congratulations." Severus said to Dynal still keeping his cool.

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